Cost of Living Crisis

Hello there…just a caveat to the story going round about refunds from energy suppliers…the wording was…"if you had a smart meter and used power at off peak times, on stated days, you would receive a refund(approx £100)…I had a smart meter installed, I have now been told, it has to be a dual charge meter…I assume they mean gas aswell, but this wasn’t and isn’t indicated on adverts for the off peak timed usage. If I dont get any joy from Eon…the smart meter, will be at the front door waiting to be collected…absolute swizz…ggggrrrr

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First real run of cold weather in the UK, and it is going to be a two-way test. Power markets need to see the price spike to achieve balance against what is likely quite limited peak supply. But that is going to push a lot of households already struggling with energy costs.

Why there isn’t strict regulatory control over these?

because the canadian government doesn’t do its job properly. panders to corporate interests.

It is the regulation that forces them to drop the claim that their product is made with chocolate chips once what they turn to using no longer meets the legal definition of chocolate.

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Totally unlike any other government in the world.

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Or maybe some of us are not that interested in funding another layer of intrusive government to protect people are too lazy to read what is on the side of cereal boxes and the like. As Limiescouse says, there is already ample regulation operating.

Utterly dishonest story that too, right from the off. The package on the left is the US one, the package on the right is Canadian.

The food industry, from manufacturers to retailers, needs some hard competition review in Canada. But the packaging info is a pretty minute concern.

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I, for one, love nothing more than to sit down with a hot drink and a chocolate-chip cookie made with chocolate that doesn’t meet the legal definition of chocolate.

Don’t you dare bring up the chocolate digestives debacle again

I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, I will often prefer a nice ‘processed cheese product’

on a related note, already time to start planning out the veggie garden! amazing how much food $3 in seed will get ya


This I’m sure plays out very similar amongst many countries

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Rarely use Tesco, but I was shocked at how much more we paid for our trolley contents in Tesco than we would have done if we had a Club card.
Club card promptly ordered.

Sainsbury’s thats another one…and CO-OP…oh yep…BOOTS …every penny counts…better in your pocket…

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How much shopping do you think I do?

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That’s part of the point of such “loyalty schemes”. Make you feel as though you need to be a member, then bombard you with offers as loss leaders.

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Just use them when they have offers on…tend to use Iceland for bigger items…only on a Tuesday as it’s over 60’s 10% discount shop,with a bonus card…and the sell most things…mester wilkored08 has a tray of steak, I buy all my wash tabs and fabric conditioner…usually a monthly visit…oh…and he gets a slab of beer…

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Long way to go, and you’d need to be mindful of the lava?

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I have had to get cards for every food shop I go into now. My weekly grocery shop has definitely added another ÂŁ40 plus a week on my usual items. It is shocking.
This is the only way to get your weekly grocery shop down. I found Lidl out of all the grocery shops the most economical.

@Wilkored08 for cleaning items, kitchen, laundry etc, I found Poundstretcher and Home bargains good value for money.