Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

I’m amused that he thinks they developed Mo Salah and Kev De Bruyne.


I’m reminded of the story about Hicks or Gillette (don’t know which one, but it was probably Hicks) breezing into Melwood one day and asking the coaching staff who we were going to be looking at picking up in the draft.

Who the fuck is this idiot? Crikey fuck.

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Isn’t the reason they have these all star games the fact that there aren’t internationals because nobody else plays their sports?
This is a case study in American arrogance. Thinking that a hugely successful world wide brand like the PL can be improved by copying US practices. They never learn.


If top level football people sat around, with weekends to spare in the playing calendar, and discussed the topic, “What should we do to fill the time?” then this sort of thing could be one of a number of options generated and discussed.

Meanwhile, in the world in which we live, we have the Prem, the Champions League, the Europa League, the booby European Cup whatever it’s called, the FA Cup, the League Cup, the World Cup, other international games, commercial tours preseason, and the odd spot of training in there, if they can manage it between recovery and going again.

The need for less games is a much stronger case.

Someone who is willing to pick up and continue a project from a Russian Oligarch has to be dodgy.

That is sort of true for baseball and US football, less so for basketball and hockey. But for both of those sports, there is basically no accommodation of an international calendar.

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‘World Series’ :rofl:

Ironically, the only major sport that US commentators don’t routinely exhalt the final winners as ‘world champions’ is the NHL, which is the most international of the leagues. So far I have not heard it for MLS either, not sure MLS has quite reached ‘major’ status. But certainly used for the NBA and the NFL.

You must have seen this image:


Babe Ruth was a heavy smoker who was routinely thrown out running the bases when he did not hit a home run…at number 3.

It would be wonderful to see Chelsea get into relegation trouble so that Boehly could start to appreciate the difference.

Took those guys from the grandest nation of them all a long time to understand that football is the biggest, best and most important sports in the world.

Now that they know one of their hillbilly’s thinks he can come in and change it.

Babe Ruth is a fantastic example of the power of myth. A decade after his career ended there were several players from that era who contemporary experts thought were greater players than him. 50 years later, with him never having hit another ball, somehow his status had grown and was rated as a better player than those contemporaries by the new generation of pundits who had largely never seen any of them play.




I’d be chop-blocking those motherfuckers.

I think we have had the discussion on this site before about who the most athletic person of all time is. I’m just going to take the free shot to say the answer is Kilian Jornet.

Anyway no more discussion of this in this thread, my word is final.

We probably don’t know who it is frankly. Probably someone who lives for fitness but couldn’t perform in any sport.

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Very good shout, although I would have Nirmal Purja slightly ahead

I misread the new title as “Daft prick Boehly’s Stamford…”, personally I’m going to continue to read it that way :joy:


Bit late to the party on this one so apologies if this is revisiting old ground.

Brutally honest I’m starting to get more than a little worried about the direction the game is going, well the PL at least. We’ll have to wait to see how Boehly goes but his early thoughts do not fill me with confidence.

If my interest in the game wavers it will be because of how the game is selling its soul.


Join the club, mate. I gave up the game completely for three months last winter; it’s only the fact that Liverpool Football Club has played such a part of my life for so long that brought me back.

But if we were bought out by a state or suddenly disappeared overnight, that’d signal the end of my interest in football.


Yes I remember your hiatus. I’m already in the position where I dont really give 2 cents about what is going on in other clubs, I pretty much never watch any football other than LFC games. This is why I found this thread had some 450 unread posts at my end. It took me nearly a week to realise that Tuchel had been sacked.

The more the game becomes a billionaire playround / cock measuring contest the less interest I’ll have I think. I loathe what City are doing and its only a matter of time before Newcastle follow suit. Chelsea next, having started the whole thing in the first place.