Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

Yeah, can see Enzo getting a few tasty challanges in training when he gets back for preseason

Lennon and McCartney, eat your heart out…


They’ll try to pass it off as a joke no doubt. I hope Macca wasn’t involved.


One of the few not on the bus apparently


Good to hear.

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How to say Argentina has a problem with racism without saying Argentina has a problem with racism.

All Argentinians are racist.

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They have a word for that?

They don’t really have a good track record in this. I hope not all argentinians aren’t racist though.

Sorry, I was joking. Obviously saying all (insert nationality here) are racist is, in itself, racist.
That’s why it’s funny.


It is something of a problem in Argentina though. Many Argentinians think they are better than most South Americans, because they have ‘purer blood’. Not a whole lot of intermarriage with native populations, they just exterminated them instead.


Like you don’t know.

If you are going to taunt another country, wouldn’t you focus on the team you just beat or perhaps your greatest rival Brazil.

And then to cross the line from what could have been friendly bantz to being racially offensive just is incredible stupidity.

Only good thing out of this is trouble at Chelsea.

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If FIFA and UEFA were decent organisations, there would have been instant bans.


Incredible stuff. A bunch of mental incapables… :open_mouth:

Luckily, Macca wasn’t involved. That will avoid tensions within the LFC squad.

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In that case, it would be FIFA, or the equivalent of UEFA in South America.

Didn’t a load of Germans migrate there too in the late 40s? :sweat_smile:

For what its worth (not much imo), Enzo apologised.

Ban incoming? Or is racially abusing a nation not the same as as individual

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Is there anyone that they haven’t insulted in there?

“I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.”


They’ve abused both in here.

They only have to look at Macca’s recent bloodline - :wink: