Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

I mean, I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never heard the term used in any other context prior to it becoming a chant about chelsea other than regarding a gay male prostitute. So I don’t believe anything has morphed into anything.

What I do believe is that a lot of people know it’s offensive and that it’s meant to be, which is why they sing it, and don’t care if it also offends actual homosexual fans.

Once called out on it, come the excuses.

I didn’t say that, and if I did I didn’t mean it that way, and if I did, well it’s okay because they say things too.

Defending, minimising or excusing homophobic slurs is not a good look on anyone. Ignorance works to a point, but once it’s explained and you decide the explanation isn’t adequate, then that’s on you.

For me, I prefer to sing to support my own team than try and insult anyone else’s.


I heard it way before I heard it chanted at a football game. As I said, just like you mentioned above, I love the songs about our own team. As I also said, I don’t use the chant, I said I don’t agree with the explanation in its current form, it has morphed (imo, apparently I have to say that). Once I explain, and you don’t like the version of my explanation, then that’s on you. See how that works?

That’s how language often works.

Yet every random team that pitches up at Anfield or when we pitch up at theirs have a chant for everything Liverpool/Scouse… hell, even Shrewsbury fans of all people thought it was fair game.


I don’t know what point you’re making

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That nobody else from any other team is making any sort of concession about not singing about other teams. It’s fair game literally every game we play. All a bit naff, really. Fuck them, if they give to us give it back to them in spades.


At no point did I suggest Liverpool fans shouldn’t sing about other teams.

Usually a straight male prostitute is refered to as a gigolo. The term rent boy is usually saved for gay male prostitutes - and often linked to wealthy successfull clients in positions of power so you often hear it in relations to government

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The irony here, where Chelsea are concerned, is next time we play them their vile, disgusting, racist support can sing about poverty, hunger, crime, unemployment etc, openly mock those who lost loved ones at a football match and accuse us of being murderers - all of which they do every time we play them and without a fucking word ever being said in the media - and yet if I were to use the term ‘rent boy’ I can end up in court facing criminal charges.
I actually think the best thing that can happen here is next time they play at Anfield, as soon as they sing anything offensive, the whole home support should belt out ‘Chelsea rent boys’ loud and clear. That, maybe, may make people realise it’s time to put a stop to the absolute bile we’re subjected to every game we play.


Let’s stay calm lads. No personal attack, tackle the ball, and not the man please.

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Suppose as a gay male I’ll throw my two pence in on this.

Do I find it offensive… no, do I think others would? Yes. Do I think it sets back the ability for players to come out? Yes.

Should players be subjected to it? No, I reckon many PL players are comfortably out at their clubs but I read a novel recently and it made me think about the repercussions further down. I didn’t come out at my club I just let people join the dots via my social media and I got no abuse but it’s 3 hours a week I can walk away from, if it was my job I’d struggle.

No one should have to hide who they are nowadays and I think such chants hurt the game and could be hurting certain players including potentially our own.

As I said I laugh it off as other stuff but that’s me and not every person is the same.

Do I find the chants about Liverpool offensive, yes but there is currently no law about that sadly


BHA really unfortunate to go 1-0 down. Ziyech scored and went for the super cool, indifferent goal non-celebration and looked like a complete prick for doing so.

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It’s going to be tough for Brighton, if they don’t equalise quickly. Chelsea can’t play the next 45 minutes as poorly again

1-1 Webster for the Seagulls from a corner. That had been coming. Guys, we are still second. Chelsea looking shakey as hell.

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Good goal come on Brighton.

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Terrible corner defending that from Chelsea, everyone passive.

While we on the subject of misunderstood phrases, they called plastics because it’s a reference to credit cards, correct?

Don’t be silly…


Her green plastic watering can
For her fake Chinese rubber plant
In the fake plastic earth