Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

Pretty much my thinking but I couldn’t decide whether their drop in form was down to being worried about being paid or whether they had grown a conscious overnight.

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Did they not show up v Real though? Third in the PL but pushed the runaway Spanish leaders all the way.

I don’t like them, but they came close.

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They actually looked shattered if I’m honest

They are going to finish 3rd no matter what. I hope their minds go on holiday and forget about FA Cup


The gap between 3rd and 4th is now dangerously close. I dont think Arsenal or Spurs are good enough to put a run together, but unless Chelsea buck up quickly they’re going to the open the door for someone who was able to out that sort of run together.

It would be kind of great to see both Spurs and Arsenal go past them.


Chelsea are a bit catch 22 they can’t relax due to that gap but can’t also relax because you’ll find it very hard to get back up to that level.


I know I know we’ve talked this to death but the “draw” at Spurs, the surrender of the 2-0 lead at home to Brighton, and the penalty miss at 0-0 at Leicester away still rankles

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Thought that maybe, just maybe Arsenal could threaten the 3rd spot, but up until their recent drop. One game now doesn’t change my mind, I still think Chelsea will get that 3rd spot and then whoever puts a more consistent run of the other sides for 4th. Too up and down at the moment. It’s like nobody wants that spot.



Latest rumour…

He and Serena Williams are supposedly part of Broughton’s consortium.

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Yeah, just saw that on a BBC article.

Seems more of a FSG set up rather than Roman throw your lot in set up

Depends. FSG are an established sports investment company.

This Chelsea consortium seems a bit more ragtag. Like scrambling round for anyone who can chuck a few quid in. There is a lots of egos and opinions to manage.


It’s why I said a bit like, missed out the fact none of them particularly know each other. Feels a bit like the investment from Williams and Hamilton is just portfolio purchases.

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"[Chelsea has] been quite leading in the work in [diversity and inclusion] and becoming more diverse and progressive.

"So, it’s not that we’re associating ourselves with previous owners.

“Our goal is to continue some of the work that they’ve already done and have even more of an impact and engage more with the community.”

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Bugger off Lewis.

Stick to the driving! That car needs work.


What a fucking dumb nobhead that Hamilton is - imagine being so thick as to think spouting that shite will be enough for people to believe you are investing to do good.


What a bunch of crap from Hamilton! As far as I’m aware, he has no connection with the local community, in that part of London. He’s from Stevenage, in Hertfordshire and spends most of the year living in Monaco. It’s an investment opportunity, nothing else.


Agree 100%.
But he is a more worthy owner of a club than the current incumbent or the sportswashing investors.
His reason is to invest to accumulate, but the most dishonest thing he is doing is waffling about why.


Meh. Tax exile talking about investing in the local community?

Utter fucking hypocrite.