Daft Prick Boehly‘s Blue Billion Pound Plastic Bottlejobs

Yeah weeks of this “woe is I” it was beautiful to see, I noticed the fans seem to be no confidencing any takeover that doesn’t promise millions.

I don’t think they have an option on that.

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So seriously… this thread name…

Pretty much

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Any advancement on the sale? Do we know which bids are being more seriously considered?

The Ricketts Family have released a statement with an eight point plan if they become owners of Chelsea football club.

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Maybe another thinking about throwing their weight behind the European Super League :0(

It sounds to me that he is going to make life hard for Liverpool to win instead of going there to win himself it is a different mindset

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I try to be fair on my fellow humans but, fukkit, I loathe and detest that bloke.

He’s an miserable, mean-spirited, humourless, unpleasant piece of shit with all the charisma of a slug.

Can’t wait to piss him off again.


The Tony Abbott ears don’t help



Chelsea are a very good team. They slipped back in the title race but regardless of what Tuchel says, they will give us a hard game in the FA Cup final. They are trying to win it for themselves and they are currently one of the best five teams in the world, so we will have to be fresh enough and good enough.

It’s the fresh part that has me slightly concerned, given everything else we are fighting for. Relative to us, Chelsea can cruise along, as they are not troubling the top two in Prem, and will not fall lower than where they are in third… so the Cup Final is almost a free hit for them, to stick a cherry on top of a so-so season.


Yeah, a good side that has just not come together very well. That limits their ability to keep their standards and performances high across a season, but on any given day they can be a very good side. It’s going to be a tough game, as evidenced by the fact we haven’t had an easy game against them for a while and haven’t beaten them since Tuchel came in.


Tuchel is horrible eurgh

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Far better looking than Tuchel.

Have to say his comments sound like a team that’s midtable and trying to stop us winning the title not our opponents in a cup game.

Weirdly noticed it’s their third final in a row, no club has lost 3 consecutively (as no club has made it three times in a row bar Blackburn who won all 3) but Newcastle have lost 3 finals in 4 years.

Suppose third time lucky and all that but I think Liverpool were on about 8th time lucky when we won the title.


Maybe I’ve not paid attention but it seems like Chelsea got whooped at home by Brentford then they crashed out of the Champions League and yet there doesn’t seem to be any talk about it in the general media. It’s just swept aside.

As a weird addition I actually don’t think of that as a bad thing but it’s well out of step with the narratives surrounding basically every other team in the league.


From what Ive seen, all of their recent bad performances have been put down to behind the scenes unrest at the club. To a degree I think there is merit in it. They are a club that has fallen out of the title race and then an ownership situation is raised that is making several players plan for their exit. You can understand hose players not being 100% focused with games like the Brentford one occurring. Not the Real ones though. I think that sort of taking your eye off the ball exposes you to getting caught with trap games. It doesn’t explain not showing up in career defining games, as CL QFs against Real most certainly are.


Klopp himself had lost six cup Finals in a row - from 2013 to 2018 - before lifting the UCL in 2019. Seventh time lucky!

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He isn’t exactly in the running for any other titles.

Good spot :+1: