Nunez has not reached the standards we hoped he would, footballing wise although I would say his attitude is commendable.
However, in my ideal mind, I hope he stays and take inspiration from players like Hendo. Never seen as good enough, almost sold, dig in, play like a crazy man running around as long as he could, found a great coach who found a formula to harness his strength and became one of the key players in our best team in probably the PL era.
Not sure it will happen but always love an underdog story so typical of the LFC spirit.
Sorry but I have to call you out on this. Darwin is nothing like Jordan. Jordan was instrumental in our 13-14 almost season and we likely would have won it if he didn’t miss the Chelsea and Palace games.
At no point was Jordan ever questioned mentally and, stupid as his Saudi move was, he never appeared to lack brains (in a football sense) in a way that Darwin does. Running around like a headless chicken some of time does not a good attitude make.
Depends how you see football, I guess; an hegemony of bad actors, or Darwin. I know which I prefer, and it’s fuck all to do with a silly little trophy.