Ding Dong.....the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

I think it’s clutching at straws. The headline should be that the seditious president wants those who investigated his crimes jailed. This is authoritarianism pure and simple.
Graham is an ant’s fart in a hurricane.

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I probably have even less respect for Graham than I do for Trump. The only reason that self-publicist is coming out with stuff like this now is that he knows Trump can no longer hurt him. i.e. Trump will be out of office before Graham is up for re-election in the Senate.

Such a brave and principled man.

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Arguments that this conversation (Trump staying on after this term) would not happen and suggesting so was “hysterical” were always ridiculous given Trump himself had already repeatedly floated the idea at the time the argument here occurred.


Investment firm announces it is going to do what it was always going to do, because that is what it is in business to do, but pretends it is a Trump related play to curry favour with the petulant child king

This seems it would be a confirmation problem in any other era

A board of unelected bureaucrats, in position only because of their business connections, debate among themselves which current government rules give their business the most trouble and would be nice if it was eliminated




Our retribution will be through our success…that and using the power of my personal government to terrorize any corporation that does not bend the knee



Maybe Bannon is onto something,Trump has repeatedly talked about junking the constitution,this is only re enforcing his desire to do just that.

Still waiting for the US public to wake up. Hating this 1930s rerun.


Nobody will wake up until things get really bad for everyone.


Speaking of needing to wake up. Can we please get a third party or hand AOC the reins?


Growing realization in Trump world that the migrant expulsion program would be catastrophic


So we’re likely going to see the worst of all worlds - gleeful and celebrated focus on Democratic regions with regions and industries of interest to Republican donors protected if they kick up to the boss.


The acronym I have seen circulating is ADWIG.

America Deserves What It Gets


If only the problems were limited to people who voted for him for vindictive reasons.


I haven’t heard that cunt’s voice since before the election. The only time the tv goes on here is if we’re playing , or for the French news , which is instantly muted once his name is even mentioned.

I simply can’t subject myself to the torture of watching that gurning moron gloat his way through the next four years.

I did read a bit of his press conference yesterday and instantly decided that I’d made the right decision for the future well-being of my mental health.


I also avoid watching or hearing him. He’s truly unbearable.


It took me a while to realise that you weren’t talking about either of @Limiescouse or @Arminius. I was wondering what they had done to deserve such words…


This is a pretty succinct explanation for the “border crisis” we experienced the last few years


Stephen Miller used Covid to get a public health order written to use the cover of wanting to prevent immigrants bringing infections into the country (infections that they didnt believe were a problem) to expedite the their removal and send them back to Mexico. It’s public health basis (lol) allowed them to get around other lawful considerations for legal hearings and considerations of where to send the people to and allowed them to just round people up and send them back over the border into Mexico.

The downside is that part of the normal process is documentation and by expediting the removal of people it undercut the ability to document what was being doing. As a result people were being removed from the US with no record, which basically made trying to get back across a free hit with no real consequences of getting caught and sent back. What this did was incentivize the same group of individuals to just keep repeating the cycle of crossing illegally, getting caught, being removed, and on we go. It was pathetically ineffective at addressing the core problem Trump and his people claimed to want to fix, but because it could be explained as a strict response it gave him cover for “doing something about it.”

This is what Biden inherrited and was under immediate pressure to revoke it. The problem is, the way funds had been used to implement Title 42 meant there was not the infrastructure to go back to properly processing people in a way could allow the system to manage them properly. It took a couple of years to rebuild immigration infrastructure, and rebuild relationships with Mexico to make them better partners in the process, who were not happy about Title 42, to allow Title 42 to be revoked. That is when you started seeing the number of border crossing start to plummet, but they were where they were in large part because of how ineffective Title 42 was as an immigration policy.


Would it have been warranted though?


Fuck sake. Looks like not only is Connolly not stepping aside, he has significant support from within the caucus


He is 74, is battling throat cancer, and is expected to miss the first several months of the next congress while getting additional treatment for that. WTF are they doing!


It’s MY spot, I waited my turn, you wait yours!