Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

Fun fact! ColumBUS took a ship!


@SBYM are you going to be on the Hegseth hearings today? I donā€™t have your updated schedule and your behavior has been erratic lately. Thanks as always.

Oh, you still exist?

I admire his moxy.

And given his credentials are having seen Crimson Tide 7 times, I think heā€™ll do well.

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Except he says Crimson Tide when he means under siege (he liked the bit with the baywatch lady coming out of the cake)


Ah Ericaā€¦

I hope the years have been good to you. I suspect they havenā€™t.

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The comments :rofl:
Iā€™ve learnt that it costs 54.95 and something something something about a small pickle :joy:


Surprised it doesnā€™t come with a mushroom, too.

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It looks disgusting.


That is clearly wrong.

We all know it was Captain Cook

Looks raw in the middle.



Old white blokes.


Always makes me think of the OG.

Heā€™s not wrong about the oligarchy.


Itā€™s what the American people wanted. Let them have it.

Most of them probably donā€™t know the meaning of the word anyway.


I donā€™t think itā€™s what most people wanted. I think many millions have been misled. Lots of factors in that, including the lies that were allowed to flourish and a fawning media that enabled it. On the left side, they did not get an adequate message across to capture enough hearts to keep Trump out of office, and lessons must be learned.

I am concerned for what the next four years will bring. Some of the obvious things will be Trump and his enablers getting even more wealthy and more powerful. Allies will be treated as enemies and enemies will be treated as allies. Immigrants are going to suffer, and it will be racist. Hatred will rise. Gun crime will rise. Inequality will rise. The massive debt will rise. Etc. So many bad outcomes are easy to predict.

What we donā€™t know is the extent to which the framework of government will be tested. In other words, can another party start to put the pieces back together in four years? Or will it be so broken that it will be beyond repair? Or maybe something in between, like it will take a decade or more to repair?

As a Brit/dual citizen living here in America, I do see how easy it is to have a pop at Americans. And yes, many of them do deserve what they will get from this. Trump is no friend to working people or the millions in the lower segment of the economy. They should have seen it coming.

But the ingredients are more complex, and in a global sense in recent years weā€™ve seen Brexit in the UK (similar nativist shit to what Trump preaches, and people lapped it upā€¦ against their own best interests) and a global lurch to the extreme right in a number of countries.

My hope is a modest one, that after four years it will still be repairable.


I really have to wonder why the Biden administration waited this long to reverse Trumpā€™s measures on Cuba. It would have infuriated the Miami Cubans, but there isnā€™t a snowballā€™s chance in hell they would vote for the Democrats anyway.


The damage of four years is very different than the damage of eight years - even with a Democratic interregnum. People who kept their heads down and tried to run the government as usual from 2016-2020 have become more visible over the past four years, and have now become targets.

God help the US if there is another pandemic or similar national-level crisis.