Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

The only wine I’ll drink is Champagne, but it has to be free.
Sadly and happily in equal measure, those days are behind me


I’m partial to a Campari and soda.
In a pint glass, obviously


Small correction



We really need an eye-rolling emoji reaction…

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That’s a major one.

Pineapple on a pizza.


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Not my idea.

Wasnt my idea to add sultanas to a korma either


Trump commenting openly on the fact that Biden did not pardon himself. I wonder if it was discussed? Biden would be unlikely to want to offer up that precedent for Trump to use, but he may also have decided that he wanted to be a target if there was going to be any such process.

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Not to be crass, but Biden likely doesn’t have long enough left to worry about it.

But yes, the overt comments about what he wants to see from his justice department and continuing to accuse his opponents of criminality without ever specifying what crimes they are supposed to have broken or presenting evidence to support such claims put in context the concerns about the preemptive pardons.


The fact that Biden likely doesn’t have much time left might have been part of the thinking. Biden has always had a curious mixture of idealism, combative pragmatism, and a good deal of self-importance. Being the prime target for a Trumpista Justice department would fit all of that.


I was wondering about this. Seems the smart move would be to treat himself as a lightning rod, and limit the damage to anyone else, such as potentially Harris. But then again, the latter presumes that there will still be elections in 4 years…


I have no doubt there will be elections. But the Justice Department has had a huge role for generations in holding back efforts to interfere with those elections. Virtually every significant lawsuit versus gerrymandering has been brought by the Federal government.


I presume there were few people who would have guessed that there would be martial law declared in South Korea too.

At this point, I really wouldn’t rule anything out.


You really see that in the way he is handling the transition. They are providing all the respect and collegiality of a normal hand over, while also maintaining the position that he represents a threat to democracy. It is bewildering to see him greet Trump with a “welcome home” while also feeling the need to provide preemptive pardons.


American elections are already fragile enough that the act of simply not having them is far more risky. There is no need to cancel the performance when you can control the outcome.

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That depends on whether Project 2025 is in control, or the orange buffoon, no?

I’m aware I’m quite probably being rather hyperbolic, but I’m not sure how strong democracy as an institution but also a sentiment is…

I think we have seen demonstrated that it is frighteningly unimportant. Other than Biden choosing to run again and the lack of credible opposition to it, the biggest miss the Dems made this cycle was over estimating how much people would care about this. I do think a lot of people thought they were being hyperbolic, but a big part of Trump’s appeal is that the institutions “democracy” is supposed to support arent working for them so what do they care if democracy goes away?


If Trump goes after Biden I think it will be counterproductive, and quite possibly damaging to Trump.

The optics will be terrible, as a bumbling, forgetful old man will be targeted.

In addition, what crime has he committed? And what’s the evidence?

When Trump was battling numerous lawsuits it was because there were various crimes that he committed. Getting them to the stage of being adequately prosecuted has been an enormous effort, due to his lifelong habit of ducking and diving, obfuscating, and avoiding justice… all helped by a willing, significantly Trump-appointed or Trump-friendly, Supreme Court.

Going after Biden would be nothing like tit-for-tat; the optics would be terrible, and it would probably be damaging for Trump overall.

Which is probably why Biden left the possibility open…

I guess when they couldn’t find a picture of Trump in Regimental uniform of any description whatsoever, they had to settle for the next best thing eh…! Note the rays of the sun shining above his head like he is some sort of saint.
