Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

No doubt about that.

But at 82 years old, it is only natural for his mind to start going, or it will start to in the coming years - it is a part of growing old.

And when you look at him in the last few months, he is noticably less mobile, spritely and mentally acute than he was 4 years ago when he took over.

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This entire administration is being selected for ideological purity, not core competence. Entities like FEMA and CDC are expecting to see resources cut, entities like NOAA may disappear altogether. The first serious challenge will see chaos.


But because of Project 2025 official government statistics on how bad everything is will be impossible to come by meaning people’s knowledge of what is going on will be determined by a propaganda war.

I think there is an argument that Katrina created the environment of discontent around Bush and raised questions about their competency that allowed people to finally start seeing Iraq in the light that would ultimately define his presidency. I wonder what the response would be today to a similar sort of Katrina failure? I imagine it would still be the Dems’ fault


Fixed that for you


What Biden says, and what he actually is at this stage, might not be quite the same!

He is not purer than the driven snow in Florida, but unless he has committed crimes and there is evidence, my guess is that going after him vigorously won’t yield quite the win Trump expects, and may actually prove to be counter-productive.

Let’s see.

He armed a genocide and presided over every war crime imaginable. Though I’d imagine Trump is minded for more of the same rather than prosecuting him for these

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Why does Biden have to worry about anything? Didn’t the Supreme Court rule that a President has immunity from prosecution? Or is that just Republican Presidents?


Not for unofficial acts. Of course the distinction between official and unofficial is left purposefully undefined so the SC can then decide later depending on which side they need to come down on.


Oil futures dropped 1% in the last few hours, though rebounding now. Market seems to be betting the Saudis are at least listening.

Meanwhile, US investment in wind and solar is in freefall due to the uncertainty around it. A group I work with on wind is assuming it will take at least two years to even get a clear signal on US projects, but as of yesterday absolutely nothing can move ahead on their applications.

But sure, energy prices will come down…or perhaps refinery profit margins will increase.


It’s going to take 2 years to move the piles of dead birds from around the wind mills!

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The great state of Mississippi, in the good ole USA! :man_facepalming:


“good clean coal” ! :rofl: :see_no_evil:


Wait, that’s not satire???

EDIT: Okay, it’s satire, just on Blackmon’s part.

Maybe. I guess anecdotally I feel people, including progressives, see Biden as something much worse than “not as pure as driven snow”. I don’t have a way to scientifically prove it but his low approval rating exiting office tells me not many will care if Trump makes his life miserable (for crimes committed or not committed). In my view, the bloom is off the Biden. He’s no longer a sympathetic figure–Trump or no Trump. And I think that’s Trump’s bet.

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Quite frankly, the future of Joe Biden should be absolute bottom of the list of worries atm.



Understandable, but the precedent of how exiting presidents are treated is important. We are in a time when all previous accepted norms are being ripped up and anything is possible. If incoming presidents are going to persecute their predecessors then the entire system is liable to collapse.
Of course, Trumpists will say that it was started by the prosecutions of their Führer, but he had actually committed crimes, inciting an insurrection etc, Biden’s crimes, in most people’s eyes, are more to do with his foreign policy and the new administration is likely to double down on that.

Still bottom of the list.
Trump has just pardoned violent insurrectionists that wanted to take down the entire system. Undermining government agencies.He’s threatening half the world. Insane policies. Oligarchs takeover complete. Supreme Court a joke.
I could go on of course.
Old system is gone baby gone.

