Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)





Well, why should there be? It’s the State of Canada’s job to earn that star.


A peculiarly American phenomenom. I’m sorry but I just don’t see this level of stupidity elsewhere.

I don’t buy that. Especially not after Brexit and the subsequent elections




Trump 2.0 is of an entirely different order. There are no excuses this time round for re-electing that fascist after what happened following the 2020 election. None.


Johnson hiding in a fridge comes to mind, not to mention all his other acts of buffoonery over the years, that were simply just waved away as “oh it’s just Boris”.

Even with the utter catastrophe that was COVID, he and his party still managed to have a polling lead until October 2021. They were voted back in in 3 consecutive elections despite the disaster of austerity.




This thread is the perfect encapsulation of the confusion over the immigration debate.


All it needs is for lefties to start getting upset at the “inhumanity” of Trump’s actions not knowing that this was already happening because they believed Dems had “open borders”, only for the Republicans to then turn around and say “Biden did it first” ignoring that their entire position has been against the Open Border policies of the other guys


Really ?

Are you honestly posting this comparison ? It makes no sense.

Look, I respect you and appreciate you, but you are comparing rocks to apples here. I am sure you yourself understand why.

I hope I should not have to explain why (it’s been talked about a lot over the years after all) the previous US election was slightly more important than an average election. Norwegian general elections are 75% or higher (never lower). When it’s an important election, much, much higher. You surely understand the difference ? The last truly important Norwegian “election” (it wasn’t a general election, it was the EU vote), in 1994, had 89.9 turnout. Norwegian foreign policy, security politics, none of that changes from one government to the next. Economical politics changes, but only very slightly.

US change slighty bigger, yes ? Important elections drives Turn Out. When the election you had has below 70% turn out it is pretty fucking awful given it’s importance. It was Trump on the line, not Bush or Romney.

Also, like I said, I never blamed you, or people like you. That you get irked because I blame US society in general, well, I cannot help that since I don’t want to lie. But I don’t blame you, or your very active family. Please understand that.





Now now. We are all on the same side. Now that @LuisSuarez has disappeared and @klopptimist is on a hiatus until he returns with his next defence of fascist Musk, we are all on the same side.

I do agree that the good guys currently don’t have anyone to mobilise around yet.


It wasn’t any sort of unpleasant attack on him. But I noticed I maybe triggered him negatively a bit, which is unfortunate, as I hardly meant to. But I don’t want to lie about my opinions for comfort.

It is just an unfortunate fact that the latest US election has more than a bit more impact, than an average parliamentarian election in a state where polarisation is much lower. As we know, in the US, political polarisation is very, very high and the MAGA victory is rather dramatic, affects many sectors of society and even foreign policy and much more. If the Norwegian conservatives and their allies on the other hand, wins the next election (which they are likely to do), it will not dramatically change Norway in any shape or form (some people will get it much worse, but the sky will not be close to falling). This is true for most democracies, but crucially these days not for the US. Which is a point I thought was rather fair and seemingly important, to make.


LuisSuarez is still here reading, I know this because he responded to one of my posts with a lol emoji. Now, however, he has finally ended up on my ignore list. He is in “good company” there :neutral_face:


I sometimes get those from @football.tiger, but since he is otherwise helpless in oh so many ways, and has no ability to articulate anything much deeper than Heil Putin; I stopped finding him provocative long ago. He is very lonely anyway.

There is another guy on my mute list, but no ignores yet.



edit…lot´s of very excited maga and other itk guys in the comments :expressionless:

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I think this is why Proportional Representation is so important. I think/feel large chunk of the voters (US, Canada, UK, India) simply don’t care because they know their votes won’t matter in the FPTP.


How is the rhetoric landing in Canada, to those of you north of the border?

I’ve no beef with Magnus or anyone on here. Peace and love!

I am appalled at the direction America is taking. My reaction above was out of surprise at feeling a perspective from overseas that all Americans are to blame for this. That seems wide of the mark to me, as many millions did not want it and expressed that viewpoint in the most telling way they could, at the ballot box.

We have had several generations of gerrymandering and voter suppression. At this last election we had misinformation and disinformation on an unprecedented scale, aided by the world’s richest ketamine addict who deployed his $44Billion megaphone to sway enough of the masses.

It is a frustration to me that more Americans did not vote. I think it was the second highest turnout in history, but many millions still did not vote.

When I heard people having a go at Americans for not voting - they’re not entirely without cause as people should vote, it prompted a quick Google search to get some comps, as plenty of first world nations have politically apathetic populations. My home nation was uppermost in my mind when I made that comment, and I still can’t believe the UK let Brexit happen.

In America I’d like to see voting made compulsory, secure, and very easy to do.
I’d also like to see a third party emerge, as the current system is a shitshow.

In the meantime, Trump is setting about tearing everything up, asap.

Not Trump himself per se - he’s an idiot with a Sharpie who is signing whatever they put in front of him. He wouldn’t know if it’s an autograph, a restaurant bill or withdrawal from the Paris climate deal.

There isn’t much of a thought in his head, apart from whatever it is that will enrich him and make him powerful.

The serious people around him are the bigger concern for me, as they mean what they are doing. Trump doesn’t give a shit about anything, so long as it will make him rich. He will sell his granny or nuclear secrets. Doesn’t matter to him.

I think right now the timing is off kilter for much of a political fight here.

The Republicans won and they are pushing through executive orders rapidly to change as much as possible, as quickly as possible. The timing is terrible for the Democrats, because they are at their lowest ebb. They need renewed leadership and identity to take the fight to the Republicans, but as yet, it has not emerged.

Soon enough Trump will be a back seat President, playing golf in the sunshine, and vying with his friend Putin to be the world’s unofficial richest man.


I don’t think I have to reiterate my personal opinions on Brexit, but this is way worse imo.
As is e.g. voting for the AfD (or not voting against them) in my country btw.