Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t angry towards the majority of the Americans.

Trump won the popular vote.

Sure , more Americans might not like Trump. But by choosing to not turn up to vote , they’ve inflicted him upon themselves and upon the world.

It still could have been slightly understandable if Trump won by the electoral votes. He got the popular vote.

More people who were voting voted for him than for the democrats.


Not a racist though guys. Damn woke DEI WW2.


World War 2 was woke if you look at it from the Nazi’s perspective.



The best we can hope for is that the fat fucker either drops dead or does something so egregious that he is impeached / removed by his own party.

No such thing.


Even if that were to happen, Vance might prove even worse. In any case, Trumpism is here to stay.

It will survive Trump’s physical demise, like Nazism survived Hitler’s.


What even is “Trumpism”? The ugliness, the racism, the naked self-interest, all of this preceded Trump. Look at the Tea Party. It might originally have started as a libertarian movement, but it was quickly hijacked by those who simply wanted more racism, more oil and all these other cultural touchstones of the loony right.

This presumably means that they will have to ban the USAF showing the Masters of the Air series, which featured the Tuskegee Airmen in a fair few episodes.

Then again, I suppose black men shooting down Nazis would upset Elon Musk no end.


The first is more likely but the replacement is the more batshit crazy Vance.

Pity about Vance though , his wife is rather hot.

I would define ‘Trumpism’ as a methodology, rather than an ideology.

It is an approach to governance, and every backwards degenerate from now until the next great jolt (the last one being WW2), will ape his methods.



edit…you have to click to watch the videos unfortunately it doesn’t show up here. Ted Cruz is such an obnoxious guy.


I don’t want to say I told you so. But this quite possibly would have been the end result anyway.

Hope the muslims in Michigan who played a role in Trump getting to power are happy at being taken for fools again.

Not saying they are the only demographics who got deluded.


Yet it’s the poor little conservatives getting censored, apparently.



MAGA bikini congresswoman ‘files legislation’ to add Trump’s face to Mount Rushmore

‘MAGA bikini congresswoman’ Anna Paulina Luna previously nabbed headlines for her patriotic choice of swimwear, and is now campaigning for President Donald Trump to be immortalised on Mount Rushmore

Florida congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna responded on X to a call from pro-Trump commentator Corey Lewandowski for Trump’s big orange face to be added to the American landmark alongside Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.

“I’m filing the legislation as we speak,” Luna said, in response to a tweet from the X account @alx, which describes itself as “American Supremacist.” Alx had responded to the clip of Lewandowski speaking to conservative commentator Benny Johnson.

Trump is front and centre in this AI imagining of Mount Rushmore

“What are we waiting on?” Lewandowski asked. "Donald Trump’s face should be on Mount Rushmore. We got the votes. Trump’s gonna sign it. Let’s get it done. To memorialise what this man’s achieved for this country."


It’s going to be four years of April’s Fools Days.


Missing context is that Stelco was bought by a U.S. based steel company last year. That means that tariffs on imported steel from Canada is carried by that U.S. entity, and cost is passed onto the consumer.
Looks like the CEO is a Trump supporter…thoughts/prayers.


If anything, there should be a new monument: Mt Feckless.

Trump, Reagan, Bush Jr and Trump again.


Tbf his crazy cult followers would then flock there in masses and hold their parties etc., I mean…you also have to think about the commercial possibilities…how many bibles and stuff you could sell there :wink:



The banning is blatently racist and, as has been seen with other moves recently, they’re going to delight in acting so offended by the reaction to this news and call anyone bringing it up woke or “Trump deranged” etc etc blah blah.

I’m sure that they’ll claim this is a move to stop being “DEI focused” or some shit and focus on war fighting. Not that it needs justification but, since I graduated USAF basic training three years ago today, I’ll give the context in which the Tuskegee Airmen are taught…

At the beginning of basic you are given a booklet with various facts, dates, chain of command and the AF Creed and Song. You’re expected to have the creed and the song memorized by the end of the second day. In the book it has facts about the history of the Air Force - date of establishment, important previous missions etc and the Tuskegee Airmen are mentioned here on the timeline. After W3 of training you are expected to know all the information off by heart and instructors will randomly ask questions with punishments for not knowing the answer.

That’s it. That’s the extent of the training. Tuskegee Airmen are mentioned in a booklet on Air Force history, alongside things like the A-Bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as facts about Air Force history. There isn’t a class on it, there isn’t a special DEI instructor for it, it’s two paragraphs in a booklet that instructors might mention and might make you do push ups if you don’t know it. That’s all.

I heard Trump say on his inauguration speech that he wants to make America “color blind and merit based” but its moves like this that make it extremely obvious that those words are code for “White”. These people don’t believe non-White people have merit, that’s the fact.