Correct us Welsh dont come in orange…normally, but you never know in the depths Llandewibrefi
We have people speaking up against the wannabe-tyrants, and then, we have also that kind of guys…
They are going after anyone who spoke up, not just out of sheer spite and vindictiveness but also to make examples of them and make sure that no one else follows their lead.
This is just the beginning. This is how totalitarian regimes entrench their power.
Germany circa March 1933 (Enabling Act)
To be fair given they weren’t born in the states they would probably be just moved on anyway.
surely the signing is just performative art…im sure the documents have pre approval, hes not just signing anything that is shoved infront of him.
he doesnt get out of owning the documents that easily…
From Berlin
Responses to RFK Jr’s nomination hearing today
Nominated to be head of HHS despite all his interests being related either to other departments (Ag) or in the nuance of various agencies within the department that a department head should be no where near. He then showed that he has absolutely no understanding of the most critical programs within the department
So, they are going to be treated like terrorists, then?
We’re so racist we want to lose two bank holidays, just to own the wokes
Meanwhile the very Dems who said this was the most important election of our lifetimes:
Isn’t the basic problem that the ‘we’ in that statement did not, in fact, elect those leaders? Not in the White House, not in the Senate, not in the House. Jeffries got his leadership post in 2023, but House minority leader with your own party in the White House sort of means your votes are taken for granted by definition. The only more futile position is the one he now finds himself in. Next two years are going to be not much more than marking time except when the House GOP do something really stupid.
Whoever gets elected in USA will always have a group of people who will say 'we did not elect these people '. And it is such a big group always that USA will get more and more divided. Each side will only keep seeing differences rather than the commonalities that made USA strong in the past. But well, none of my business really.
In such a tragic event, he could have at least sent some thoughts and prayers etc to the victims and their families first.
Now the bloody fool is an air traffic controller?
The next 4 years is going to be very long,indeed!
In yet another example of “Donald Trump can’t/won’t read” he asks why the tower doesn’t tell the helicopter what to do despite the fact the transcript shows they did, telling them to fly behind the plane, and got no response.
Obviously it’s somehow the Democrats fault though.