Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

Ugh, the rubber hits the road. Spend a chunk of yesterday looking at which suppliers and services are American-owned.

Fubo is American-owned, so that is the PL coverage gone.

It would be nice to have LFC on a title run in a year where the world wasn’t blowing up.


I know. It used to only require the Pope to die for the stars to align for us.

Seems a good time to inform people that a case of active TB was confirmed in a MI school over the weekend.


Wait til you find out who owns LFC



Yes, this is a full sentence.


What they are doing with USAID is flatly illegal. Anyone who tried to mitigate fears of a second Trump term by arguing people were speculating about things that were illegal and so clearly couldnt happen have been shown to be naive dilettantes in the space of about 2 weeks.

Great work, you self-identified serious people. I hope that feeling of smugness you had telling everyone else they were hysterical was worth it.


Well, wouldn’t be buying any of those Nike jerseys anyway now.

Henry Hub (natural gas price) is up 8% this morning. Cost of living not going down after all - the remarkable thing about that is how small and regional a percentage of the US actually gets NG from Canada, most of the supply is domestic. But with such a small percentage of the market able to be served from storage, there is no buffer between supply and price - that is how Enron got big in the first place.


Paraphrasing Trump: " The EU is treating us soooo badly, they don’t buy anything from us. They are bad, y’know, they’re an enemy, y’know. They eat dogs too btw. "

Serious question: wtf? :thinking: We are totally infeodated to the US, if only because we are currently dependent on their military protection. We buy their computers, there are Teslas wherever you look, we buy their (bad) military planes and other military stuff, and McDonalds and Starbucks are literally at every corner of every street in every town, selling their expensive trash.

Yeah, we are bad indeed, but not for the reasons he says. We are bad because we have become far too dependent on the in-part horrible stuff they sell us.

Looking at everything coming out of the US, I’d keep Apple. They have a horrible business practice, but the products they make are really good. If all the rest disappeared, I’d not bat an eyelid to be honest.


It is completely disregarding Congressional authority. They may as well fold the Federal Reserve into Homeland Security now.

Oddly silent in this thread of late despite being so vocal before though, I wonder why?

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The debate was only ever a game for lots of people.


I was a little disappointed to realize Fubo is now American, but after disconnecting Disney, Prime, HBO and Netflix following a stern conversation with the boys, I would be an American level of hypocrite to do otherwise. Warned them they have until the end of the month for most.

Showed them my grandmother’s ration card from 1940 while we had the conversation to help them understand the scale of what we face.


If you look at the industries that have driven the growth of the economy in the US over the past 2 decades or so, the EU has been almost entirely absent and has gained pretty much nothing from that growth. There is a very real argument that the red tape and regulation from the EU made it impossible for European based companies to compete, and even though it produced regulation like GDPR, it was insufficient to protect the region from the harms the red tape was supposed to protect against.

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Well done. If many other people do this, these big companies will soon starting to apply pressure on the MAGA boys.

Did you follow any of the developments here about VENU Sports? It was put together as a collaboration between WBD, Disney, and Fox to offer a supposed sports bundle that could fill a hole for people who no longer have cable. It wasnt really a “sports bundle”, but a hodgepodge of cable networks that sometimes only occasionally show sports, many of which were struggling to get carriage fees in the cord cutting era, and mostly driven by WBD. None of the other parties seemed really committed to it though and so when Fubo sued to stop its launch, Disney eventually decided just buying Fubo was easier than going through with the half arsed plan.

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Example infinity in MAGA not understanding how analogies work


Linda for President :us:

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Ben Smith is one of the DC press’ cool kids. He makes terrible editorial decision after terrible editorial decision (he was the man who made the decision to publish the Steele Dossier in full in January 2017 when every other outlet correctly decided it didnt meet the standards to publish) and yet his peers continue to hold him up as some savvy guy who gets the challenges of the moment.

Here he is reporting on a new appointment at state


An alternative headline for this might have been “Rubio appoints man who was removed from the first Trump administration for speaking at a white nationalist conference”