Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

I'm sorry.. what?

What gaslighting is there? Genuine question since I’m not exposed that much to the American media market.

I’d really start questioning what I’m reading/watching if I were you.


Look, I fully accept people for who they are, but if people who I associate with the Democratic party are going to use language I disagree with about a topic that is far more complicated than I wish it was then I am going to be forced to vote for fascists


You know when there are complaints about ‘over educated’ you are dealing with deplorables


This movement operates on different levels. For a lot of the workers there is little in the ideology other than chaos and destruction of the things that are valued by the people they dislike . Many of them are little more than teenagers given access to an abandoned warehouse and given a sledgehammer. At the policy level there is likely some really myopic extreme pull yourself up by your bootstrap world view and are always on the look out to “help” people by taking support away from them so they can learn the value of self reliance. But then I suspect that at the Musk/Trump level you have additional nefarious motivations that is maybe using these other groups to take actions that personally enrich them.

China will fill lots of the gaps left by an absent USAID, even if not in terms of effectiveness in terms of a show of being present. Trump would sell US interests in this regard if it benefited him, or at least if he could be convinced it benefited him and he’s a pretty stupid guy and easy to convince of what you need him to think. And Musk is nationless. If what he sees as in his personal interest brings down the US and raises China then so be it.


I feel posting this pertinant again. Originally posted by @Limiescouse so I cant claim credit, only that i remember it.

Problem is, people expect things to be binary, black or white, yes or no. They arent. To me it’s crazy that this is even a thing.


The fascination with the “woke agenda” is absurd in the US and I don’t think it is anywhere as centre stage as it is there. Everything has taken a backseat to it. Economy, welfare state, foreign relations, climate, national security, the democracy itself.

It doesn’t matter if a halfwit fascist tyrant is destroying the country, as long as the perceived “woke” stay away from power.


Thank you for reposting it.

I think lots on the “left” have been willing to try to strike a compromise with transdeniers that accepts their framing of sex (biological, deterministic, binary) in an attempt to earn reciprocated acceptance that gender is just a made up thing and therefore people should be allowed to pick whatever label for that they want and live that life. Unfortunately that is a wrong framing, which might be worth it if it earned that reciprocation, but it doesnt. It just reinforces the perceived silliness and makes deniers dig in further.

The reality is biological sex is complex and the dichotomy we as a society have created for it is only an approximation and is inconsistent with a non-trivial proportion of the population. Once you understand and accept that then flexibility over preferred gender should be a lot easier for someone to get their head around. In short, for all the Matt Walsh style “gotchya” positioning, there is no answer to “what is the definition of a woman” that biology would not laugh at.

But beyond this, the issue has become culturally relevant not because the left has prioritized it, but because the right has prioritized demonizing it.


Chiming in to note that the idea of binary gender is also very much a “West” thing (and even then not quite given what traditions were like).

In many societies and cultures, there were more genders, including explicit “transgender” genders, with women who identified as men being one gender of their own, men who identified as women being another gender.

Not to mention the whole erasure of intersex people…




Mexico + New York and California + Canada

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aka ThatfuckingshitshowontheothersideoftheAtlantic.


I think it’s supposed to be Thatplaceacrosstheatlanticthatisntashitshow.


Surely Trump and his billionaire friends prepared for this, and speculated on the current market slide beforehand. Lots of money to be gained there for the insiders.

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Punctuation please

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Yeah this crossed my mind. He’s now delayed tariffs against Mexican goods.

Didnt some post about lots of traders taking short positions over the last few days?

How convenient.


I would imagine they will all be shorting everything, making billions, and then more billions again on the way up, once the shock to the system is overcome and - hopefully - sanity prevails after the stupidity of the tariff nonsense.

Textbook MAGA

“These tariffs are just threats to give us leverage”
“Leverage to get what exactly?” You’re already the US. If there is something you want from another country, that is what 2 centuries of soft power has been built for, but it’s not entirely clear what the pay off for this is supposed to be.


We all need to buy more US shit. If we don’t, we need to be punished. Because Murica believes in free market capitalism.


The beatings will continue until morale improves