Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

Of course its the point. You have agency in whether you believe something or not.

You believe a simplified version of an idea that people are telling you is leading you to some wrong conclusions about this debate. Your position to that is to be “nuh uh. just trust me, bro…and you dont you are a radical lunatic”.


And a large number of people will pretend to themselves and to others that they were not on the wrong side.


What on earth is a land acknowledgement, and why does it even matter?

Actually, don’t tell me. You’re too far down the far-right rabbit hole to see the insanity of what you’re spouting.

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There’s a difference between trans rights and extreme gender ideology.

Just because I think workers should be paid well doesn’t mean I support communism either.

If you can’t see how “extreme gender ideology” is simply an attack line trotted out to destroy rights for transgender people, then your head is so far up your arse it’s now become a cycle.


FTR I don’t usually post on politics here. I come here for football. I post on a political forum elsewhere. And there, I’ve spent the past decade railing against MAGA.

But the far left here is so disconnected

I dont think there is anyone who posts here is actually “far left”. There was one but he got banned (multiple times) because he just fought with everyone for not being ideologically pure enough


The Democrats lost the election because they didn’t have a cohesive message to contradict the right’s two decade long fear, hate, and anger policy.

Transgenders, and transgender women in sports, just happened to be the cause celeb for the right this election cycle. They had been pumping the fear angle of “liberal teachers” wanting to change your child’s sex, and the unfair advantage that trans women have in sports. Even though, transgender people make up a minuscule amount of the population, and an even more minuscule amount of athletes. IT IS BUT A DOG WHISTLE!

This issue affects less than 1/2 of 1 percent of people in the USA’s lives, but the right wing has turned transgenderism into inherent evil. Keeping your cult scared, angry, and hateful keeps them in line. Also, it deflects from the actual evil things they are imposing, or outright doing to the whole of society.


I don’t think communists particularly argue for workers to be paid well, do they?


This is a distinction that cannot be made without an understanding of what the definition of biological male is. You need to be able to present one for people to not read into your comments that you indeed think there is no difference. That saying you care about trans rights is not just lip service.


Gotta go, so I’ll lazily just quote myself from a different thread. While it’s not about the trans debate and the US, it also basically sums up my feelings on US voters prioritising niche issues when deciding the future of their country:


Is that not what I said?

In exit polls, the top two issues by far were inflation and immigration. Republicans won those issues big. Culture wars were a distant third.

But amongst the voters who mattered most in the states that mattered most, it was the number one issue.

It reflects worse on the American people. They elected a convicted felon, a racist swine, a bona fide fascist, who on top of everything else is also a fucking moron, because of “radical gender ideology”.

Get your priorities in order.



I say this with all due respect, I’m not starting a debate on astrophysics with someone who thinks the world is flat either.

We all took biology. Singling out rare cases that are statistically zero to support an argument is a non-starter.

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Such as all of the far-right talking heads who like to quote MLK (out of context and incorrectly) or claim they have no issue with gay people. 20 years ago gay people were public enemy number one, now it’s trans people.


The amazing thing about this analogy is that you are the flat earther. There is a complexity to the world you cannot see with your own eyes so refuse to accept the alternative idea that conflicts with your simple comforting world view.

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I don’t even know who this would be…


And they looked at the Democrats and said “I’ll take the awful orange man.”

Perhaps instead of catering to the far left activists, the leadership of the Democratic Party should instead focus why they are getting crushed by the demographics that used to support them.

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