Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

You are the one who has posted at least fifty times about it in the last week.
I haven’t heard or read a single Democrat mention it since the election.


And there I was thinking this was a politics thread!

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Of course the Democrats aren’t going to mention it. It’s a repudiation of everything they believe in.

And you aren’t reading moderate Democrats.

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I’m not an extreme leftist, and I don’t claim to represent the working class, but I do know that most working class people do not hate their fellow men and women, despite the huge amounts of hatemongering in the media and amongst unscrupulous politicians.




Most working class people don’t want extreme ideological gender theories shoved down their throats. That’s one reason why 60%+ of them voted for Trump.

If you don’t know this, you are disconnected from the working class.

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I’m not sure who you’re talking to here, but most of here are not US citizens, let alone Democrats.
But we had this discussion (that the trans stuff was a winning issue for the Republicans) pretty much directly after the election.


Yeah, it’s funny that the left claims to be for non discrimination LOL

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This is the US politics thread.

New information has come to light about the election.

Hence, the posts.

And I’m telling you that we were already aware of this.
Just as an example, here’s what I posted in November. See Limiescouse and Arminius posts right above.

It’s obviously working as a strategy for the Republicans. Whether that makes it ‘right’ or even a fair assessment of the Democrats are different questions.
As others have already mentioned, people used to campaign on anti-homosexual sentiments - did that make it right?


A window into how badly Trumpism can (may?) go:

Look, this is quite clearly a kid who’s discovered something and thinks they must be some kind of radical genius who’s found something that no one’s ever discovered before, and must share his genius with the world.

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Not to mention, also just an opinion piece.

Genuinely, stop masquerading as someone who cares about the left or the working class if all you’re going to keep doing is parroting right-wing trash.


The strange thing is it’s the right that spent much more capital in it than the left.
Just like Woke. I wasn’t even aware of Woke until the right started telling us how bad it was.


The working class in America is voting for the right wing.

The left wing should stop pretending to speak for the working class until the working class starts voting for the left again.

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What does that even mean? Pretending to speak for the working class?
The Democratic Party’s policies on housing, education, healthcare etc, the stuff that matters, are far more beneficial to the working class than the policies of the Republicans, which are in favour of the hyper rich and large corporations.
Is that what you mean by pretending to speak for the working class?

The election wasn’t a landslide, Trump got 1.6% more of the vote. This doesn’t mean that the working class are suddenly all right wing.


The working class is voting for Republicans, not Democrats. It was landslide amongst the working class.

You are correct that the American working class generally supports left wing economic policies. But the Democrats are seen as the party of far left wing cultural policies that most working class people oppose. If you drive through rural America during an election, you can travel 300 miles without seeing a Democrat sign.

The American working class are the cohort most opposed to the identity politics that the Democrats have championed. But the working class believes the left condescends and looks down at them, calling them bigots and rubes for not going along with their identity politics.

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We have. We have progessed significantly. Today, being gay is not reviled or mocked in any form or way the same it was when I was 20. The difference is truly huge. Back then 20 years ago, transpeople were commonly seen as a bit insane and as psychiatric cases. Some are still seen as psychiatric cases today (well, some will also be that, but that’s besides the point), but far, far less and it’s not a “blanket” anymore and people are more judged individually these days compared to before (with bias of course but less damning, and you can’t expect everyone not to find transpeople strange anyway).

I would say this has changed a lot.


20 years ago, most Americans opposed gay marriage. Today, most Americans support gay marriage.

As the saying goes, “I support gay marriage. Gay people should have the right to be just as miserable as the rest of us!”

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