Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

I think that’s what @Noo_Noo is referencing, that it’s not really about the principles about it. It’s simply about finding new targets to attack.


62% of Americans who have never attended college voted for Trump. He won every education cohort below a Bachelor’s degree. Harris won the college vote. The problem for Democrats is that less than 40% of Americans have a Bachelor’s degree.

No, it doesn’t.

But they have steadily been dragged rightward over the last 45-odd years by the neoliberal agenda, not just in America but throughout much of the world.


Working class people don’t only live in rural areas. In fact, I’d guess the majority of them live in cities and a large number of them come from ethnic minorities. Your picture of a working class person seems to be someone living in a trailer in rural Arkansas.
The Democrats have to get their message across on the issues that matter to ordinary people, but you’re ignoring the fact that the media, who decide the agenda, are owned by rich people who benefit from Republican policies. That’s why the relatively minor issue of who’s allowed to do sports with who seems to you to be of major importance.
Why would anyone, other than someone directly affected, cast their vote based on this issue? There are much more pressing problems for all US citizens, especially the working class.


And the government will do its best to tackle those problems but first…

Look! Celebrities!!!


You are one very confused fella.
The example here is you jumping from ‘working class’ to ‘rural regions’ as if there’s a correlation.


Most working class people live in rural areas and the ex-urbs, the rings around the suburbs. Most can’t afford or don’t want to live in cities.

I don’t buy blaming the media. I think that argument is condescending.

I do think that there is a problem of media bubbles. In 2020, 93% of CNN viewers voted for Biden and 92% of Fox News viewers voted for Trump IIRC. You can make an argument that CNN is “brainwashing” its viewers as much as Fox News.

More likely is that people are seeking out news sources that reaffirm their biases. And the demos for each news network are what you would think. CNN’s viewership is more college educated whereas Fox’s is more non-college educated. IOW the reason why the working class is watching Fox News is because the network is more in tune with their values.

Most working people do not live in cities. They live in rural areas and the ex-urbs. The working class who work in cities are commuting in.

There are no factories in city centers anymore. The tenements that once housed the urban working class have been torn down to build multi-million dollar condos.

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Working ≠ working class.

Working-class people don’t just work in factories.

Citation please. I just spent 5 minutes looking, and I cannot find any evidence to either support or disprove this claim.

Here is a popular Democrat with positive ratings from the working class explaining what is wrong with the Democratic leadership and how disconnected they are to the working class.

Poor people tend to live in urban or suburban areas. 17% live in rural areas.


“About half the U.S. poor population (49%) lives in suburban and small metro counties, while 34% live in cities and 17% in rural areas.”

“Small metro counties” are the ex-urbs.

And you will find that the poor in cities will have a higher percentage of immigrants who are not American citizens and cannot vote.

That’s an argument to authority, and presumes many assumptions, among which:

  • Fetterman has an understanding of the working class, as opposed to being the beneficiary of particular planks of his platform or even his appearance being popular.
  • The Pennsylvanian working class is uniform, and similar to nationwide trends.
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Exploring the Influence of Public Perception of Mass Media Usage and Attitudes towards Mass Media News on Altruistic Behavior - PMC.

Show me the numbers.

In the preamble, it says that the media influences people’s opinions. That’s absolutely true.

But it cuts both ways. What is shown on CNN affects those viewers as much as those on Fox News.

But one side is peddling hate and division, and the other is promoting a safe, broadly establishment view.

It’s not the same.


Yes i dont disagree, but it has the same origins and as @redalways says, the same attack lines born from essentially the same prejudices. Here’s a group of people that don’t fit within a standard human design handbook somewhere and therefore they aren’t right. They should be cast aside.

Being honest, I wouldnt put it beyond this crowd to whip up the same anti gay hatred if they felt there was any mileage to it. I bet they havent changed one inch in the last 20 years. Trump really hasnt.