Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

There was that thread in TIA which was discontinued due to the increasingly graphic nature of the posts.


My experience with Tesla drivers is that they absolutely love the vehicle almost as religious experience

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I have no idea what you’re talking about.


It reminds me a bit of Apple fans when they were still a relatively niche thing.

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Stinks of Musk cutting corners. Not too dissimilar to certain practices undertaken to visit the Titanic

If you’re going to keep posting right-wing memes and right-wing posts, then at the very least stop pretending your views are, or should be, aligned with the Democrats.


There was one of those Biden ‘I did that’ stickers on the system of the toilet in the bar where I used to work. To be fair, I had to unclog the bastard regularly and it did bring a little levity to proceedings.


Loads of cyber trucks around here. The ‘in’ thing is the various paint jobs people are getting - camouflage, different colors, etc.

As vehicles they remind me of the sort of look you would see on some sort of dystopian film from the 1980s or 1990s, when they colonized Mars, or when the earth has been laid to waste after the rise of the machines. It might be a vehicle for the sort of future Musk has in mind!

As for Tesla’s, I test drove a model S years ago, before various other models were added to the line up. I had three main impressions: 1. Fast, especially off the line. It’s an electric/torque thing. 2. Large screen/superfluous tech. All cars are moving in this direction, but I like the car to be the car, and the tech to be the garnish, not the main course. 3. The whole thing seemed cheap.

On this last point, for the price point, the seats weren’t great, the materials used weren’t great. It felt like a Toyota - nothing wrong with that, fine cars, but if the vehicle is twice the price point, you expect much better.

These days everyone has joined the EV stampede and Tesla’s are not the only show in town. Musk has an advantage in America due to the charging situation, which is why he’s trying to slow the progress of competitors.

Lucid’s battery technology seems much better than Tesla these days, though I think the Saudis put up a lot of money to develop that. The Chinese are at the front of the pack too, and BYD cars look like they will get a large market share to me but America will be trying to stop that. It’s all part and parcel of China becoming top dogs in the world in the coming years, on any number of levels, in my opinion

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That’s it! Total Recall:


The only Cybertruck I have seen (apart from a video from the US) is Kadyrov’s

Funny thing is that after they militarised it, Musk did the one good deed he has done in recent history. He disabled it.

Then again, I am not interested in cars myself so I don’t go looking really.


Just to change the sujet the far right parties in Europe are meeting up in Madrid under the banner Make Europe Great Again.
I remember long ago the Make Britain Great Again slogan which was changed to Make Britain Grate Again by many with a sense of humour. At least Britain has officially Great there, Great Britain, so it had some sense.
Anyway Le Pen is pulling away from all this nonsense which will probably increase her popularity. Many other French right wingers were with Truss for Trump’s inauguration. Zemour and Marion MarĂ©chal for example.
We live in dangerous times. I never thought I’d prefer Chinese to American in my lifetime. Feel for and worry for central and south America. It’s just going to get harder.


Not sure about the HuffPost but a further step right out of the playbook 
as already mentioned


The “left” branding of the Democrats is bizarre and was a successful tool to beat Harris with, dreamt up by the orange lunatic etc.
The Democrats are a centre right party,and even so more to the right, probably! Very much like Labour and Labor in Oz.
As a lifelong left voter it is getting hard to find anyone to vote for.
We have an election in Oz later this year and I’m seriously feeling unhappy about the apparent options, as I wont waste my vote.


The only place Tesla leads the market is in price, not much else.
Friends bought one a bit over a year ago and just want shot of it!


BYD is now cheaper, better and sells more than Tesla. Not sure how they can reverse that. I personally still might not buy a Chinese made car but the market reviews are showing that BYD is going to dominate this market


Democrat tells Democrats that they have to stop being an extremist movement and start winning elections.

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Yeah @toro is either 1) an idiot; or 2) trolling or 3) both. His posts about the democrats, republicans and identity politics are deplorable garbage and should be ignored.


Vote green? You understand, i’m sure, that in the Australian system it depends on who the candidates are in your seat. Essentially all you can ensure in the reps is that whoever you put last won’t get your vote.