They’re going to try to put tariffs on everyone. They believe that broad tariffs of up to 20% will be paid primarily via the terms of trade, not by the American consumer. IOW, if tariffs on Canadian goods are 20%, the loonie will fall a requisite amount. The loonie was down as much as 1.5 cents on Sunday when Trump announced the tariffs before rallying after Trump said he would delay them a month.
That’s not necessarily what I believe but I know that’s what they believe. If they’re successful, you could see the loonie break 60 cents.
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I understand what you are saying but ‘they are lying’ isn’t really enough. The point that should be shoved down the deplorables throats is that republicans are too stupid to be allowed to be in government and voting for them is what the communists in China and Russia would want and unAmerican. The message has to be kept to that level and it has to be about the Republican party not Trump. If that message is repeated ad infinitum the mud will stick and whataboutery won’t work when the Republicans have provided so many examples of their stupidity. Republicans equals treasonous is where the debate needs to be taken
I regularly gift money to a few Swiss NGOs, like Terre des Hommes for instance, who engage themselves to protect children in third world countries, in very concrete, long-term projects.
Their budget was reduced by 20% overnight.
Until now, I didn’t realize that USAID was helping that kind of organisations as well. In that sense, Trump acts as a revelator for the whole world of how much the US was exerting its soft power, a bit everywhere.
That is obviously over now. Terre des Hommes will have to stop some of their projects. As a direct result, children will suffer. And that is only one of many, many affected organizations. Well done Trump and co for immediately making this world a worse place than it was a few weeks ago.
Seems I have lived a sheltered life,paper straws have been around all my life ,84 years and I have never seen or heard of one exploding.
Wouldn’t have anything to do with Trump plastic straws being on sale at $1.50 a popwould it?
Nah,I’m just a cynical sod,sorry old git😆
Well done too for the people who voted for him and those who didn’t bother turning up to vote.
This is all on them.
I could be wrong, but I think there’s a significant portion of Trump voters that absolutely love this cutting of foreign aid/NGO support stuff.
Yes, and all the tariff sabre rattling.
I think a 60 cent loonie could happen whether or not they are successful. We did after all see about that number a little over 20 years ago. At the time, I was the CFO for an exporting manufacturer, the low loonie made life very easy. The fundamental flaw in their hope is that with USD being a reserve currency (and certainly the only currency Americans will transact in), the terms of trade are not going to adjust from the consumer point of view.
That is particularly true for a large percentage of trade with Canada. For better or worse, much of it is simple commodities with very little possibility for substitution, and much of it is fairly inelastic in demand. The Northeast is not going to cut their use of Quebec hydropower, the Midwest is not going to cut their use of Alberta crude.
Oh, for sure. That is as close as it gets to old fashioned Republican orthodoxy. The spitefulness of it is different in this era as opposed to the older more sober economic argument, but this sort of spending programs they are attacking now is almost politics as normal. At least it is in terms of the targets. It’s the execution that is different.
Republican Congresses of the past have appreciated it’s far more fun talking about slashing spending than it is to go through the process of making it happen and living with the consequences of it. These changes are not being made through the legal pathways of congress and they are just standing back and cheering it on rather than protecting their turf It’s kind of an astonishing demonstration of Congress’ increasing willingness to outsource its Article 1 authority to the Executive branch of government. It was only 6 years ago that Trump’s key policy promise failed on the floor of the Senate precisely because enough of his own party disagreed not with the merits of the bill but because of the Trump admin’s lack of respect for legislative process in they way they tried to get it through. Today, they dont give a fuck.
I do agree that spending must be under control. I heard yesterday that spending has gone from $4Trillion in 2019 to $7Trillion now. (Scaramucci said it on the podcast the rest is politics US).
If that’s even close to being right, it needs to be reined in.
The question is how? I won’t be able to take the effort seriously, at all, unless there is a massive cut in military spending. Lots of waste there. And even when the waste is eliminated (I won’t hold my breath) what sort of military budget is necessary? For generations it has almost felt like a blank cheque sort of a thing, which is ridiculous.
Musk is getting his IT kids into the systems of government to enact spending freezes and cuts. (Not legal to do this). It is mean spirited and performative, going after small beer that is ideologically like a red rag to a bull.
But the overall effort to cut waste and reduce spending will rise and fall on slashing military spending. If they get into that, meaningfully, there could be a large backlash coming. I suspect they won’t.
Dont give it that credit. Any concession to wanting to work with them to get our financial house in order is giving validation to an exercise that not actually about that. Dems have collectively spent far too much time making stupid public gestures of how to find middle ground with these people on this issue rather than focusing on the fact they have no interest in the things they claim and are just arsonists.
@dalglish This was my point earlier.
The party of law and order (note the Adams case is not being dropped on its merits, but for purely political reasons)
The party who you should vote for if you are tired of endless stupid culture war nonsense
The party you should vote for it you are care about ethics and rooting out corruption
This last one is wild. A transition is the period where this office is most needed because it represents the time of greatest influx of new people who need to engage with this office to make sure they are properly deconflicted.
Those numbers are substantially correct, but even the choice of baseline year is a talking point. The implication is that spending exploded under Biden. The reality is that the 2020 budget (passed in 2019) authorized $6.8 trillion under Trump, before the pandemic. The Trump administration’s budget proposal was only $320 billion lower in March 2019 than what was passed, it had proposed a deficit of $2.8 trillion. Biden’s administration was actually bringing the deficit down, though they never got to under $1 trillion.