Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

@Mascot I dont remember which thread the conversation was in, but putting this here in reference to the discussion about the attack on school curricula being designed not to fix anything, but to drive enough money towards private education that the whole public system collapses



I think it was the UK Politics oneā€¦

Biden forgave Student debt.

Which probably is a calculated step which can reap more benefits later but as of now , itā€™s something which the rest of the taxpayers are going to be paying for. And quite a lot of US voters are going to be thinking that right about now

Pair this with an increased spend in defense and money to Ukraine and Israel.

Why do I think his strategy for the upcoming elections is just plainly , Iā€™m not Trump. Vote me in even though I am ineffectualā€¦

Of all the criticisms you can throw at him, ineffectual is not one that can be reasonably supported. You may not like the record, you may wish they focused on other things. You may argue that perceived foreign policy failures trump any domestic track record, but what cannot be said is that they have not been productive. The fact no one, not even his supporters, seems to give a shit that he has been the most effective pro-worker president since the war and the most effectively pro climate president ever is an electoral problem. It speaks to the lie that doing meaningful stuff in office is the path to getting reelected, but the fact no one seems to care doesnt mean he hasnt done those things.


Criminality doesnā€™t matter. Much.

Lula is a criminal. He had his case overturned on a technicality. Yet many people here supported him.

What matters more than anything is tribalism

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Not anymore, itā€™s all about being an unhinged, self centered, fuckwit on social media these days.

The plan is working based on stuff Iā€™ve seen on social media of late.

The extent of blind faith in word salad that comes from anyone that can actually speak confidently over having any actual knowledge or experience is crazy.

I dont know where it ends to be honest.

This is why the ā€˜theyā€™re all the sameā€™ false equivalence is so dangerous. One side is attacking and denigrating the institutions of US democracy - Elections, the legal system etc, just because they donā€™t like the results, the other isnā€™t. One side is sowing distrust in the very foundations of America, the other isnā€™t. One side is laying the groundwork for a dictatorship, the other isnā€™t.

If Bidenā€™s son is convicted, the Democrats wonā€™t be thretening the judge, or calling the whole system corrupt. If Biden loses the election, the Democrats wonā€™t attempt to storm the Capitol.
There is a lot to criticise about the Democrats, but they simply arenā€™t the same as the Republicans.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Pretty good summary of US politics, I reckonā€¦



It is comparatively under the radar, but there are two additional criminal cases against Team Trump that seem at pretty advanced stages related to election fuckery in 2020 - one in Michigan and one in Arizona. The easiest way to understand this election is that Trump 2024 has not distanced himself from any of the people already identified as targets as would happen in a normal election. Instead many of them are playing key roles in Trump 2024, some even in ā€œelection integrityā€



Holy fuckballsā€¦


Thereā€™s a whole thread of clips, but MTG is legit insaneā€¦



We are hurtling, rapidly, back to the middle ages.

The whole Fauci thing is ridiculous, as is the extreme right wing circus around it. If there was a large country fairly well placed to fight or mitigate covid, America had a lot of advantages - scientists, world class labs, manufacturing and development facilities, transportation, money, the lot.

So why did it also have the largest pile of dead bodies, of any country in the world?

Unfortunately it also has whack-a-doodle politics, as evidenced by MTG and the like. These loons are taking us back to the Middle Ages.


Itā€™s hard to disagree when it would have been totally on-brand for her to tell ā€˜Mr Fauciā€™ if he floats in water he must be a witch.


If only Fauci were @cynicaloldgit. I fully expect he would have asked about Cricket the dog.

Now Wisconsin as well


For all the talk of the remaining Koch not being a fan of Trump and attempted to steer the party away from himā€¦


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The most scary thing is, given the trajectory of US politics, this creep stands a very good chance of becoming the President one day.

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