Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

One of those who gives me that visceral “he’s the worst of all of them” feeling, but I have that feeling about the whole lot of them.


I think libertarian sweetheart Ron Paul has an equally, if not more impressive, record. Its something like 40 years in office and just one enacted bill - which was something about a small amount of land being given to a historical society in Texas. That’s it. That’s all he did his entire life.

He literally ran for President more often than he successfully introduced bills to the House.


I shouldn’t laugh…that is a fucking disgrace.

Not a serious party


They approach politics as if they have a kink for being flogged and shamed


It’s not as if there were not credible candidates who while ideological would at least take such a critical role seriously

He seems to be getting shit even from within his own caucus for this. But understand the incentive this is speaking to…serious work is overlooked in favour of fuck arsed clownery.


Ronny Jackson , the unhinged drunk on the Intelligence Committee. What could possibly go wrong ?


Putting this in the Politics thread because of the ability of these people to shape the political conversation.

Background is the Washington Post has had struggled financially the last few years and at the beginning of this year they brought on former Telegraph chief Will Lewis as the new CEO to sort it out. He has a storied career, but is also tainted by his association with the Murdoch phone hacking scandal and ongoing questions about his role in covering it up while doing clean up for Murdoch.

Shortly after he came on, WAPO ran a piece about his alleged involvement in the scandal as a way to say “this is new who our new boss is…you need to know about it, but us publishing this is a demonstration that management has no influence over the editorial decisions of the newsroom.” There was reporting that he was not happy about it but the official line was that it being published was a demonstration of the newsroom’s editorial independence.

This week, the Executive Editor was unexpectedly let go, which was explained away as part of a restructuring that was required for them to modernize, and it was just a coincidence that he was bringing in a cabal of ex-murdoch goons to head up the departments in this new structure.

This was quickly followed by reporting that he had previously, and recently clashed with the now sacked EE over him trying to block the reporting of the story about him.

This is now being followed up by other another reporter saying he tried to get other versions of the story dropped as well



I know one Republican absolutely seething over this. Worth noting that McCain never wore anything except his USN pin in civilian dress, explicitly because he never wished to imply to a fellow veteran that his service was somehow better.


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It’s very difficult to get your head around the extent of the (alleged) criminality of the last administration that this news passes with barely a whimper, and I wouldnt be surprised to learn that most people wouldnt be able to identify who this is and what alleged crimes it is referencing.



Just as disheartening is the fact that Meadows is the one person most likely to have the goods on Trump , and is rumoured to be co-operating to some degree , yet we are not going to be hearing from him this side of the election. That it’s taken four years to get these cases anywhere near to court is another scandal in itself.


The 10 Commandments

  1. You shall have no other gods before me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
  10. You shall not covet.

Yeah, ensuring the kids learn to avoid 10 simple things.

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If those Republican idiots really believe all that tosh and think the 10 commandments are so important, why do they idolize someone we who has broken most of them?


“Do as we say, not as we do.”


ah … that’s where the forgiveness / redemption bit comes in.

See Trump was right again , you can do whatever the fuck you want and get away with it.

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In US history there are a series of debates that are famous that are referred to as the Lincoln-Douglas debates. They were had as part of the campaign for the Senate seat for Illinois between the incumbent Stephen Douglas and a then unknown person from a newly formed political party. They are famous less because of what was said, and more because Lincoln’s performances created national coverage of the race and so it is considered the first time press coverage created a national political star. Lincoln lost that election, but his coverage led him to get the Republican nomination for president for the next election, where he would again face Douglas and this time beat him. And we all know what happens next.

This is the sort of historical event where lots of Americans know the term “the Lincoln-Douglas debates” but dont know anything about them. So when Virginia tried to pass a law 2 years ago clarifying its history curriculum, while the focus of it was controversial, the inclusion of the Lincoln-Douglas debates as an example of a foundational event that should be covered was completely reasonable. The problem, they thought they were presidential debates and that the person on the other side of them was famous civil rights fighter Frederick Douglas.

When it comes to politics, we are not sending our best or brightest.


But her emails



As sure as night follows day, whatever the goobers bleat about they have done or will do.


This is a real post from a real former GOP official :joy: It is referencing the arrest of a current party official for drunkenly chasing a stripper while holding a gun.



The horrific irony of “‘The situation is contained,’ police said.”