Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

Significant and sudden increase in the number of Republicans claiming they think the economy has improved over the past 12 months than were saying so just 1 month ago


This is actually a compeltely typical response to an election so I don’t intend this as a slam dunk to say “MAGA dumb”. But the fact this is so typical and was so expected to happen was somehow completely absent from the vast collection of dem critical pre-election pieces condemning Biden apologists for disagreeing with people’s lived experience of the economy.


I’d guess usually when they’re in a very hungry state :man_shrugging:t2:

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So she was a massive… Red FLAG?

Trump’s new Whitehouse spokesperson, pushing back on objective reality


Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of US and A


If trump has anything to do with it,Ukraine will be a fair bit smaller and the russian empire that bit bigger

Interesting…I wonder what the implications are to personnel cuts to NASA?


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There has been a lot of research over the last twenty or so years which has shown that financial success is more down to luck than any discernible “talent”. Such academic papers are easily accessible on the internet.

Of course, the neoliberal agenda has brainwashed the masses into thinking that billionaires have some kind of special ability that separates them from mere mortals. It’s utter bollocks, but it’s swallowed up by those who either aren’t taught to challenge what they’re told or, more recently, to not believe experts.


“But I worked really hard and made brave decisions to get this company to where it is today”

“Yes, but you were insulated from the consequence of those decisions (gambles) not coming off because you have wealthy parents who you know will fund your next scheme even if this one fails, just as they did the last 3 times your ventures failed and you needed to be picked up again”


I always find it perverse that the most controversial high-earners are often sports figures, when they are easily the most demonstrably merit-based. For every baseball player making $6M a year for hitting .266, there are hundreds working low-paying service jobs because they could not reliably hit a AAA curve ball and invested their key development/education years in figuring that out.


The cold hard truth is that if Musk were anything but a white male child of a rich person, he would never have made it to the US, would have been deported even then, and would never have had the access to the venture capital money that he did.


Yeah its a very weird perspective

Ravens fan complaining about the absurdity of the QB earning $50m a year despite acknowledging the role of NFL starting QB is so exclusive a club that is it universally accepted there are more roles (32) than people qualified to fill them (maybe 20?) while willingly paying $4000 for a ticket to a single game. Add in the brutality, and that math adds up pretty easily.

“All he does is kick a ball.” Right, but he has navigated the gauntlet of ruthlessly applied merit based progress to become one of the 0.0001% who make it that far for a role that 90% of the country’s population started out competing for.

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That isn’t true though, is it?

You have to be male, for a start. So that eliminates half the population. Then you have to have the right height, frame, hand-eye coordination and other specific physical traits.

Only then does it become a matter of “talent”. And even that is mainly down to sheer discipline and hard work.


Those non-male elements are all going to be filters, but that doesn’t prevent many people from competing for them (or at least thinking they are). The average NHL player is 6’1" and 199 lbs. Of the ~1000 players, less than 50 are under 5’9". Yet if you go to any Junior Hockey rink on a Saturday, you will be able to count at least that many players are under 5’9" who still somehow think they might be one of the 50 someday.

By comparison, most investment banks have a couple of known dullards who everyone knows will make the ‘drop’ down to commercial banking - and still be well-compensated despite having a bare minimum of the actual performance characteristics required.


Not convinced he does either. Someone should ask.

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Haha @Limiescouse

This ?

There is no mercy, only cosmic evil.


AOC described her role as perfect for someone who doesnt show up or do the reading, because the role is like giving someone a game controller that isnt plugged in :joy:


How the rest of the world see the United States. Amirite.

