Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

I guess not.


Great, now the Republicans can claim they have principles and standards and then confirm all the other incompetent batshit freak grifters. I’m sure US media will give them all the flowers they deserve.


The US and the world is in for a rough ride,seems many of Trumps nominees have little or no expertise in their fields,and the main qualification seems to be brown nosing.So as we mostly thought Trump will run the show,his only expertise is spending other peoples money,so…exciting times ahead.

I wonder how active this thread will be in March IF the US economy is doing well, the war in Ukraine has ended and Trump hasn’t grown a tightly clipped suspicious black moustache.

Very active I would imagine.

The US economy is already doing well. No-one that I am aware of is expecting it to collapse overnight, the issues that Trump Policies may cause are more medium to long term.
The war ending in Ukraine isn’t the issue, it’s what impact that has for Ukraine in doing so (and how that sets up the international arena in the medium/long term).


I’m thinking there’s an alarmingly high probability that if the war in Ukraine will have ended by then, it will be because there will be no more Ukraine by then…


He’ll be great for the economy, build great infrastructure and do a peace deal with the Soviets, I mean Russians…oh wait…


Head of the SEC confirms he is stepping down in January, so I guess Gaetz can have that job?


The economy is good now, loads of jobs, stock market highs, etc. All the usual measures. Inflation has been a global issue and has been coming down for a while too.

War in Ukraine? Trump won’t bring peace, at all. He will capitulate to Putin as he is his bitch. Kompromat and then some. Ukraine will be in tatters, lawless aggression will have won the day, the west will be weakened and Russian aggression and expansion will come again once they have regrouped and rearmed. Trump will be complicit in that.

Mustache? The coloring is all wrong. But Trump isn’t interested in any ideology, apart from enriching himself. He will have all branches of government in his pocket, Supreme Court too, with everyone kicking up to the ultimate mob boss while he plays golf and shags away as he likes. His wife won’t even join him in the White House.


Prediction time.

Trump will jettison Elon Musk at some point, as he can’t stand sharing the spotlight.

Elon Musk will be a Democrat again by the next election.

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Reports are that he had identified at minimum 4 absolutely cast iron “no” votes making it just pointless and even more embarrassing to try to keep this going. The names being reported are interesting. There are 3 you would predict (not predict they’d be solid no votes, but that if you knew there were 4 they would be 3 of them) - Mitch, Collins, Murkowski. The 4th is interesting though. It’s the new guy from Utah who has taken Romney’s seat. Maybe he thinks having just won his seat in this cycle threats of primaries are less relevant to him, but there is some signal that Utah is the one conservative area not buying MAGA’s bullshit. Of course, they have their own bullshit, but like people said in France to push back Le Pen - today we hold hands, we fight later.


For better or worse, there are a lot of Mormons deeply uncomfortable with Trump’s personal morals, and they seem less inclined to hold their noses than the Christian fundamentalists.

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Yeah, it’s definitely a pattern. Romney could, probably should, have done more, but stepped out away from the partly line on numerous occasions, including some important ones. 2016 Even McMullen, a traditional republican, was an early never Trumper and ran for president as an independent purely to give republicans an opportunity to post an Anti-Trump protest vote and got about 20% of the vote, and came surprisingly close unseating Mike Lee for the Senate in 2022. Dems cannot get more than about 40% of the vote there making it very difficult for them to win statewide races, but there is a definitely softening of the vote for MAGA there for such a solidly red state.

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Shit like this is amazing in how disconnected it is from reality. It was the presence of MAGA diehards in the FBI that got Trump elected in the first place by working off the books with Rudy to help smear Clinton, and then post-2020 impeded Garland’s investigation of the various cases that put him a good 12 months behind schedule and made him resort to using the fucking postal service to carry out warrants because there was too much obstruction in the FBI to do it.



It’s worse

  • the Trump Foundation donation was a direct quid pro quo to drop a suit against them. This is one that was teed up by NY State office who had invited FL to participate in the case as it was home to the largest number of people affected by the fraud. Bondi declined to join the case in the process saved Trump millions
  • She has not just been a lobbyist, but a $1m+ a year registered foreign agent for Qatar helping them manage reputational issues associated with human trafficking.

Can someone explain to me how this Silicon Valley tech billionaire, Trump-fan and Musk-boy has the brain capacity to wake up every morning ?

I don’t fucking get how these tech-boy billionaires are such total ignoramuses and general imbeciles. They are stinking rich with sharp-elbows, but have the knowledge of a child. And why the hell are so many of them pining for autocrats and imperialists ?

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It runs counter to so much of the way we think about success in business, but the cold hard truth is that luck plays far more of a role than smarts in hitting the start up home runs that these guys had that gave them their position of oligarchic power. Our collective desire to believe the “great man” theory of history means we position these guys as uniquely brilliant minds when in lots of cases they simply fell over when doing up their shoe laces and landed in a pile of cash.

Critically, no one buys their bullshit more than they do though. And you get 3 or 4 of them to put their heads together and their belief in themselves explodes as they all mutually reinforce in each other how brilliant they are and how much better things would be if they could just make decisions.


I genuinely have no idea what the hell he is saying.


I suppose he is blathering about the Russian intermediate range missile with mirv warheads that the Russians blasted into Dnipro city as a “look at us” demonstration, ignoring the fact that they have used nuclear capable missiles since the start of the war. Everyone on the Far Right and Far Left with little knowledge seems deadly afraid of that propaganda show.

But what that has to do with Woke Cancellation, I cannot fathom. It probably makes sense to Sacks though.
If I were to be very kind to him, I suppose he means that his voice and the voice of imbeciles like him (who have ironically blasted their voices uninterrupted out on Twitter now for years), who thinks that Russia is a wonderful heaven of White conservative autocratic Christianity and should be loved by all right-thinking humans, have been ignored. But then I am kind to him.

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Weird. How could we possibly have known that Project 2025 would have such a big role in a Trump admisntration? Literally impossible to have known it

What is interesting in here is the nomination of John Ratcliffe for CIA has flown completely under the radar, this despite his nomination for DNI the last time around flaming out without even getting hearing due to having been found to have misrepresented his security credentials. This time around he is getting cover because of how bad everyone else is. Textbook Trump