Editing thread titles

I notice that this is no longer available, even on my own threads.

While it’s great that titles can’t be changed by any Tom, Dick or Harry, surely the thread starter should be able to edit their title?

@ISMF : have the forum permissions been changed? :thinking:

Hang on:

It’s appeared here:

But isn’t available here:


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Two weeks ago you asked that permissions on thread titles be altered, because every tom, dick and harry was changing them. So I did :stuck_out_tongue:

Will try figure out a way to make the thread creator be able to change titles too.

On, twitter there is already a dedicated thread on that, so won’t start the debate again in here.


Haha @cynicaloldgit

Forgetful cunt.


Probably forgot to change his mattress too the @smellyoldgit


Damn! I wanted to wittily change this thread title :frowning:


Actually, it was more like six months ago that I initially asked. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Better late than never, I suppose. :man_shrugging:

You? Wittily?

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Please grant permission to this particular Tom, Dick & Harry @ismf

Next time I start a match thread , I’m so not putting the time there.

Just because I can.


The permissions were changed at this time after one particular user took it upon themselves to repeatedly re-edit the title of a thread a mod had temporarily changed to specifically draw attention to the off-topic tangent that thread had taken.

Which fucked me, er, them right off to be quite honest.


That’s very confusing, but sounds serious. Were there casualties? Were the police involved? It wasn’t me was it?


No, but the fact you think it might be makes me wonder what you’ve been doing to feel guilty about…


In two more weeks he will tell you that Kevin should also be banned, just humour him.

I’m glad I wasn’t being stupid…. For once.

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I actually liked being able to change titles (mostly fixing mistakes and being helpful with timezones in match threads :wink: ), but I can see how this can degenerate. I didn’t think if it was that bad.

A bit like forbidding Twitter on the forum. (Trying hard to make the debate bi-weekly)

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For ease of those in the antipodes could you please signpost when these bi-weekly debates will be occuring? Signposting it in AECT and AEDT (perhaps also AEST when. Necessary) would be great