EFL Cup / League Cup

Red card.

Err that’s a contradiction. I’m a football lover, then in the next sentence talk about watching manure vs man City :astonished:

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So United made 9 changes to the side that started the 6-2 defeat of Leeds and still blew away almost full strength Everton. Hmmm.

United actually do have a pretty strong squad
Cavani looks like a very good signing.

Going forward, yes. Their defence is shite but they will always score goals.

Good job their manager is fucking clueless.

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To be fair it took them til the last embers of the game to score, that’s probably their biggest issue alongside a shit defence.

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They’ve been knocked out of the CL already.

Beating Everton in the Mickey Mouse cup is not a consolation.


The key word there being Everton.


Manure with a proper coach would be capable of a title challenge BUT proper coach is the point. They do have some really good players.
And don’t forget (for those who love to be FAIR fans) LFC would be at LEAST 4 points better off if the VAR officials had refused to be bribed and done their jobs. Who knows how many points Manure have ‘won’ due to dodgy VAR decisions.

However, this we do know, even if they win their game in hand they should have been already 6 points behind. Which over the course of a season would translate into about a 18-20 point déficit.

To those who say, for example the 1-1 vs Fulham, that Fulham deserved their point. I say poppycock. Their goal should have been disallowed for the most clearest two handed shove in the back I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t believe that goal was allowed. Our peno according to the interpretation of rules this season was correct (although the current hand ball rule is stupid).

We shouldn’t have to beat the officials’ (pick your own word) corruption, ineptness. We shouldn’t have to play like world gld beaters every game. We should have to score more goals than the opposition.

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Tottenham winning would be the realistic choice for me. I don’t wanting City or MU winning it, so I guess in order the best is:

Pro: Ex Liverpool player, Not TOT, MU or MC.
Con: Cant think of one.

Pro: Huge new contract for JM, tons of spending, then the ultimate meltdown.
Con: Supporters get to say remember when we won 
 for the next 50 years till they win something again.

Pro: Keep Ole there for a while.
Con: Ole, MU win something, Rio gets to say “I told you so”

Pro: Well only if its the only thing they win.
Con: They twats.


Harry Kane and Son starting for Spurs v Brentford. Good on them. Further roots me in the belief we should start a full strength side v Villa.

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My mate always uses hesgoals.

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Brentford is hanging. Spurs scored a beautiful goal. But Brentford is not backing down.


Well, I expect nothing but a fairly comfortable Tottenham win, despite Brentford doing their very, very best and all that. There is a huge quality gap after all. So I won’t bother with watching, but do remember to gloat and ingrain shame in me if Brentford some how pulls it off, @Neukölln. Because then you will have watched something really good that most other mortals have missed ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sunglasses:



Hard luck Brentford. Couldn’t add another Premiership scalp to their trophy-room. Well done Spurs.

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I really hope Man City win the league cup. Can’t be fucked with United or Spurs winning it.


Just not United.
That’s all I ask.


Disagree completely. When the options are

a) a club from Manchester
b) anybody else

Then b wins.

Every. Fucking. Time.


Agree to disagree then me old mucka. :kissing_heart:


Any chance of a null and void.

Let’s rename this Brexit Cup, something uniquely British and pointless.

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