Euro 2020 Archive Thread

Should possibly have saved that, great strike regardless. England have absolutely shat the bed in the last 15 minutes.

T. rex strikes again.


Woooooohoooo what a hit, great goal for Denmark


Trex arms.

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I repeat. Karius, part d’uh

Plus ça change…

You couldn’t make this up​:tired_face::sneezing_face:

Watching this and all those English players I can’t stand and such a disrectful crowd. Come on Denmark!!!
More to the point the organiseation of Denmark is just great, they know what international football is about. England don’t!
Yes! Come on Denmark!

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What a goal! Let’s goooooo Denmark!


I disagree we just look clueless.

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Venus De Milo on the bench, maybe longer arms would help?

Prickford is having a shocker… make it easier for Rafa to flog him again.

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Crap goalkeeping but let’s not get carried away.
England need to get their passing going. Patient. Saka is looking out of his depth.

Sweeeeet Damsssssssssgaard,
Oh Oh Oh…

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Imagine not having Hendo in for this one, when you know it’s going to be tight and a massive midfield battle. Dribbler showing fuck all leadership as per.


Rice and Phillips have both been absolutely awful by the way. They might as well not be there.

I honestly don’t understand the hype on Rice.

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Saka and Phillips should be first change early in second half I’d think. England not really at it yet.

What a save

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Sterling straight at the keeper.