Should possibly have saved that, great strike regardless. England have absolutely shat the bed in the last 15 minutes.
T. rex strikes again.
Woooooohoooo what a hit, great goal for Denmark
Trex arms.
I repeat. Karius, part d’uh
Plus ça change…
You couldn’t make this up:tired_face:
Watching this and all those English players I can’t stand and such a disrectful crowd. Come on Denmark!!!
More to the point the organiseation of Denmark is just great, they know what international football is about. England don’t!
Yes! Come on Denmark!
What a goal! Let’s goooooo Denmark!
I disagree we just look clueless.
Venus De Milo on the bench, maybe longer arms would help?
Prickford is having a shocker… make it easier for Rafa to flog him again.
Crap goalkeeping but let’s not get carried away.
England need to get their passing going. Patient. Saka is looking out of his depth.
Sweeeeet Damsssssssssgaard,
Oh Oh Oh…
Imagine not having Hendo in for this one, when you know it’s going to be tight and a massive midfield battle. Dribbler showing fuck all leadership as per.
Rice and Phillips have both been absolutely awful by the way. They might as well not be there.
I honestly don’t understand the hype on Rice.
Saka and Phillips should be first change early in second half I’d think. England not really at it yet.
What a save
Sterling straight at the keeper.