Euro 2024 - Reiseziel Deutschland

Modric, still the best player on the pitch, but Croatia have nothing up front

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Italy :face_vomiting:

German commentators praising California.

What’s his name?

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Penalty Croatia

A bit harsh, but kind of inevitable.

You’d imagine they give it, but I hate these. He was 2 feet from the guy.


Sort of justice

Missed his last two for Real too.

1-0 Modric

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Oh wow. What a sequence of events that was

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This game has exploded into life.

I was nodding off.


Ooooff. Nice finish. Better than his penalty

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Gets better. My most hated Italian off and my favourite on.

Always best when Italy go behind.

German = Blumenkohl
Spanish = Coliflor
English = Cauliflower
Italian = Calafiori

It’s the truth. Don’t look it up.


Why do you dislike DiMarco?

It’s kind of sad watching Italy the last several years. For their reputation as defensive, they always had top forwards as well. Have they had anyone even close to top level since probably Del Piero and he hasnt played for Italy for over 15 years

Thuggish, bad haircut, all the usual Italian things…

It’s all about superficial stuff in these cases.

Didn’t really mean hate of course.

Chiesa so classy.