On my Twatter timeline, they are all saying vote for Croatia.
It is a nice song, but it doesn’t have the weirdo or wow factor, it didn’t grab my attention as much.
I think Liverpool the City, Liverpool the People, Liverpool the Warmth, Liverpool the Energy, and Liverpool the Personality has come as a surprise to an awful lot of people who have visited for the first time…
Poland gets into the top 3… now where is my phone when I need it :0)
Sweden top 3 also…
Croatia top final spot in top 3…
Yet I hope Ukraine romps home and wins by a landslide as a collective middle finger to Putin’s Russia, from all the good people in the world…
I’ll take what the guy from Moldova had
Croatia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Poland and Israel probably my bottom five.
I don’t think any of my favourite songs will come close to winning.
I have narrowed it down to vote for
Cyprus the best actual act, Israel best singer.
Belgium or Moldova for me out of those.
Croatia win or the game is rigged
As if they didn’t get Rick Allen to play drums for this!
Easy win for Moldova. The voting is weird with this jury thing though so it’ll be something dogshit like Sweden.
Who is the girl photobombing GN :0)
One of the Austria singers I think
Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe…
Hope you taking in the visual tour of the City in readiness for your visit Maria :0)
Yes, I haven’t booked the hotel yet, waiting for my cousin to tell me the dates.
You guys seem to have lovely weather there.
Albert dock looks the same when I last saw it 11 years ago.
Is this the first time the ‘Walk of Shame’ presenter has done this type of presentation… Something seems terribly awkward when I watch her trying so hard…
Hope all 5 Ariana clones finish bottom - for educational reasons.
2 huge football teams? Didn’t know she was so familiar with our reserves.