Ex-player: Jordan HENDERSON

No amount of hollow explanations can ever see this twat regaining any respect from Liverpool supporters or the general population as a whole.

Attempting to give him (or any of the other money hungry cunts) any understanding or compassion would be a bit like saying Lucy Letby was a fine nurse before she started murdering babies.


And this is exactly I would accept nothing for Salah.

He stays our season has started well and genuinely could be a big one.


There are lots of buildings in Liverpool that were built on the proceeds of slavery. You donā€™t see manacles outside although you do now, at least, see a plaque acknowledging the fact.


There is also an eye opening museum I recommend on the dock.


I donā€™t think I have ever seen a former player piss away his legacy in such fashion before. And the worst part is that he was probably always like this; he did everything to warm himself to the club and fans for his own personal advancement when he was at Liverpool but he never really bought in on the clubā€™s core values. Which isnā€™t a requisite or anything like that but at least he wouldnā€™t look like a massive hypocrital sellout.

Donā€™t see him getting a testimonial any time soon.


Reading the interview quoted above, he comes across as being not very bright. I think the stuff he did at the club was probably done with sincerity.


What a hero. Modern day Martin Luther King

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What he forgot to say was it actually meant anything beyond being a nice colour.


I canā€™t believe that. Him being stupid seems like a cheap way to explain his actions. He spent 12 years at the club, it would have been made obvious a long time ago if he wasnā€™t the sharpest tool in the shed. Instead he was a model captain for most of that time, especially off the pitch.

Maybe that was the work of his advisors, but if thatā€™s the case they are badly letting him down now. I still think that heā€™s revealed his true colours after the Saudi offered him more money than he could ever imagine.


Unfortunately too many people today are happy to have people believe it was someone elseā€™s fault.

People are twats - The systems fault.
People are lazy - The organisations fault.
People are violent in shops - Corporate profiteering at fault.
People are criminals - Societyā€™s fault.

Zero accountability required these days, always a handy get out

I donā€™t mind anyone being a greedy cunt and chasing life changing money.

I dont really give a fuck about the higher morals of footballers. Ultimately it gives them a good feeling and matters little.

I just donā€™t like the dishonesty of taking a so called stance and then pissing all over it. Hendo could have turned the Saudi offer down. He could have said, your record on gay men is atrocious, so fuck you and your money.

Instead he hid his laces and armband and spat in the eye of those he said he supported.

I hate the fact we are disowning a legend.
But its on him.
And his interview, well intended or not just compounds the situation.


I get the timing of the interview, as it coincides with coming to play for England. But it is ill advised.

His words were not well chosen, neither was there an apology or any conciliation.

He would have been a lot better advised to keep his head down, and allow more time to elapse.

We are at the point where there is probably nothing he can say to smooth this over. Everyone knows the score. He took the money to move to Saudi Arabia. We might not like it, but that is his right to do as he chooses. The sting in the tail is that he was a vocal LGBT supporter, and he has let down that community, and by extension, all of us, because we want people to be upstanding and genuine, and not able to have morals for hire to suit a systematic sports washing enterprise.

Anyway, Iā€™ve probably commented on Henderson more than I care to at this point.

Time to move on. Weā€™ve got a new team emerging, and it is a great time to be a red. The focus is now on new heroes, and the new deeds they will surely accomplish. Yesterdayā€™s men are, well, yesterday.


Maybe drop the ā€˜heroesā€™ bit. Theyā€™re footballers, not heroes. Royally paid and most of them with little morals or loyalty when it comes to their business.


There are quite a lot of my personal friends whoā€™ve appreciated Henderson when he was a LGBTQ supporter even if one of them was a man utd fan. The stand that he had taken etc whenā€¦

Itā€™s like something as a dagger in the back


Itā€™s hard enough trying to fit inā€¦and itā€™s hard enough trying to find a community. For a lot of LGBTQ community , Football essentially is a way to fit in. I might be insensitive in the sense that Iā€™m not one. But the inclusiveness which has been fostered , Hendo did a whole lot of backstabbing on that,

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Just to come back on a couple of the points people have made:

  • I think itā€™s always been widely reported that heā€™s not the brightest in a traditional sense. Thatā€™s not something thatā€™s brand new information today to try and excuse his interview/behaviour. Fans of other clubs are always saying it and Iā€™ve chatted to a couple of lads whoā€™ve interviewed him in the past who have said itā€™s really hard work.

  • he does as much of an apology as you can reasonably expect from someone who doesnā€™t accept theyā€™ve done something wrong. He says it makes him sad that people feel heā€™s let them down and heā€™s sorry he made them feel like that, before reiterating it does matter to him. (As well as the non apology ā€˜Iā€™m sorry if they feel like that, which is obviously worthless).

A think heā€™s a big hypocrite and he just has to accept heā€™s taken a hammer to his reputation.
What fascinates me most though is wondering what the ā€˜bestā€™ answers he could have given were. Like by definition there is a ā€˜bestā€™ answer to all the questions and for the life of me I canā€™t figure it out.

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When athletes become icons of public policy, their reputations seem always to suffer over time. They really should refrain. And leagues shouldnā€™t make them dancing marionettes of political fashion.

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It was me that commented on him not being bright. Itā€™s not something I have seen or heard mentioned about him before. It wasnā€™t an attempt to excuse his choices, theyā€™re his to make. It was merely a reaction to what he has said.

I think in our bubble, because he did the role of captain so well we donā€™t notice, but outside of our Liverpool bubble everyone thinks heā€™s thick.
When I said it wasnā€™t an excuse I didnā€™t mean to imply you might have thought it was, just didnā€™t want people to think I was saying it was cos thatā€™s not how I feel. Haha. :+1:

This comment from the piece is interesting


Why is it interesting? Because it is the exact same circumstance as when Fulham floated the idea of us selling them Hendo to grease the wheels of the Dempsey deal. The reaction from the club then as it was this summer was not to say no. It was to be honest about his prospects and let him have his say. Back then he decided to stay and prove himself to Rodgers. Back then he likely was being offered a pay cut though.

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