Expectations for the season

I just want them to play, show em how its done, batter the buggers, just play!!!


Champions League is the only realistic competition the club can win now shows what a terrible season it is. So far off the pace. Out of the domestic competitions. Top four far from certain. Form is dreadful and a massive concern. So many points squandered. Need to turn this round fast.


To be honest, with our form, we could be dumped out by RBL after March 2021.

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The PL (top 4) is over and after this round the CL will too.

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Should get top 10 :crossed_fingers:

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There’ll be more twists and turns in postions 2, 3 and 4.

In fact, I wouldn’t be suprised if there is a big points gap between the top three and fourth, with fourth being a record low points total.

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Top four is still very much there to be grabbed. Obviously we are in a downward spiral, so it won’t be easy, but a couple of results and it can all change quickly.

CL anything can happen. Arguably we might get some joy there, as we have pedigree, and it will be a bonus to get away from the shitty Prem referees.


My expectation at this point goes down further and further: between fifth and eight by now, behind Man City (champions), Utd, Leicester, Chelsea (CL). We might find ourselves behind Tottenham, Everton, West Ham before the season finishes.

You can’t beat an injury jinx like this one, and at the same time refs and VAR fucking you over as soon as they get the opportunity. We can’t expect nothing at this point.

The CL? With this run of form, Leipzig will kick us out quite easily. Even if with luck on our side, we go through, we’ll then be eaten alive by one of the big boys with their super-duper squad in top form.

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Don’t talk silly.

I expect we will see a few more disappointing results.
I also expect to be drinking a few more beers.
I hope some of those will be in celebration of 7.

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No better week to turn this around than in the CL KO and Derby at the Weekend.

I hope but …


With all this doom and gloom, should we all lie down and wait for the other teams to bulldoze us, huh?

I say if we are going further down, at least go down with a fight and show that we will be back stronger and better next season.

Edit: the lads also need to get motivated and do it for the gaffer.


Klopp has to solve the great conundrum of the Mane form if we are to start turning it around. It’s hard enough with Bobby miss firing but adding in Mane is a huge issue.

I expect Klopp to start at centre back at some point of this season.


Maybe bring out the white suits for before games from now on :confused:

i still believe we will get a top four spot.


Klopp loves you

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Wish we could give Klopp a couple months off so he could recharge the batteries.