Expectations for the season

November -
21: Leicester (H)
26: Atalanta (H)
28: Brighton

02: Ajax (H)
05: Wolves (H)
09: Midtyjlland
12: Fulham
17: Spurs (H)
19: Palace
26: West Brom (H)
28: Newcastle

02: Southampton
14: Burnley (H)

The fixtures are very congested, but could have been really scarier. Win against Atalanta and two games in December can be as good as gone and we can rest most of the first team players in those. We need atleast one of Matip and Fab fit for most of the games, and if possible both for some key ones like Spurs. And Alisson, an injury to him is scarier than any more defenders IMO now.

The midfield and attack will really need to step up now. It’s good our midfielders are trained and used to protecting our back four more often than not, and it’s back to that mode again. We need to be clinical and have that in back of our mind to outscore the opposition, because we won’t be keeping clean sheets left right center, which we anyways weren’t.

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Henderson needs to come back injury free from international duty… Would suit a lot of Liverpool fans if he ‘jibbed’ Rodney ‘Plonker’ Southgate and the extra workload…

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The fixtures could be worse and it’s a good job we went strong against Atalanta because that more or less sealed CL knock out qualfication for us. The issue is the congestion and the lack of rotation opportunities. This is usually the time of the season when JK rotates heavily, just before we go into the Christmas period so we’re nice and fresh and ready to hit top gear. Now it looks like more midfielders will need to be defenders so the likes of Milner, Henderson, Gini and Fabinho (when he gets back) will be playing without much of a break. All of which increases the chances of injury. Makes me wonder what state the squad might be in by Jan.

We’re in good hands and JK is a master of maximising use of available resources. He works miracles in that area but even his powers are going to be badly tested this season.


I’m not tempting fate (I hope!), he’s already been out through injury this season so qualifies for inclusion!


Well assuming time period of injury and quality isn’t the criteria to get in that team, hope Hendo remains underrated and in fact no more players get in that side going forward :expressionless:

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With injuries coming thick and fast… The Jurgen Juggernaut has not just hit a hill… more like a winding mountainous climb… Not only will he have to change down the gears to continue moving forward, albeit at a reduced pace… but he knows that the summit of any climb will be reached eventually… maybe he planning and be content for February early March…
This is when he and then all of us can then see the chequered flag finishing lines of both the Premiership and CL as he goes over the peak in the drivers seat of his cab…
Can you imagine being any team looking into the rear-view mirror that had previously sped past grinning and giving him the finger as they steal a march on us as he struggled up this tortuous route… With teeth gnashing and cap peak slightly askew… White knuckles squeezing the steering wheel out of shape as he slams his size 16’s against the pedal in a manner that lifts his butt off the seat… Crazed look in his eyes and upon his face as he whispers ‘Bastards’ quietly to himself…
Spoilt Fat-Boy Lampard in his poncey top of the range Bentley that has been built with volkswagen
parts… The sourpuss ‘cat just shit in my shoe’ expression of Mourinho as he smugly keeps both hands on the wheel of his out of date Volvo reminding himself how special he is… To Pep and his popping-out eyes in a stressed to f*** manner, with his non hair blowing in the wind open top sports car he can upgrade whenever he wants… spewing an oil slick all over the highway like a Dick Dastardly from a Wacky Races cartoon… to finally Hans-Dieter Flick in his German designed ultra efficient Unimog. A nice enough guy but now associated to that pompous ‘we are better than other clubs’ Bayern Munich that was, for a very long time the nemesis of our special ‘main man’…
A large black shadow will suddenly appear and begin to loom over them as Jurgens juggernaut comes into sight, blocking out the large shining thing in the sky, along with premature aspirations…
Jurgen will throw absolutely everything he has at his disposal in those final weeks/moments…
By everything, it means exactly that.!
He will be relentless in bringing our guys over the winning line… relentless working with what walking wounded players he has to work with.
He never came to Anfield to become some footnote in the annals of our clubs history… He came to re-write our perspective history by improving it… This will be a challenge we should all embrace
As fans we can only stand and watch this Juggernaut gather pace when it is most needed… We can also offer support to the components that Jurgen will squeeze dry to accomplish something special this season… Patience may well be needed until then.
So chest out people, chin-up and buckle in for what could yet prove the most exciting season ever.


I agree with the sentiment, but for me personally this can’t be the most exciting season ever and that’s nobody’s fault. It’s that fucking virus and its various consequences. I’m glad to be able to watch some footy and I know everyone has a deep longing for ‘normality’, but it isn’t normal. Still have high hopes in Jürgen and the team to get through this well though, but personally am mentally preparing to cut them more slack than usual and accept that these are special circumstances.


Maybe the way Jurgen thinks outside the box…
He will consider bringing in someone like Ismaila Sarr as a longer term investment and drop Jordan Henderson into the back-line… work on how he prevents the forwards jumping for a high cross as opposed to winning headers outright…
Guess I am just grasping at straws… In Jurgen we trust eh!

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How about we just buy a defender?


And pray :pray:


Stick flappy right in the middle on a cross…

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I think he will relish the challenge. I remember last season everyone had the violins out for City when Laporte was injured for a few months. Apparently that was the reason they weren’t able to mount a proper title challenge. Well we’ve got VVD and now Gomez out for the season leaving us with a permanently crocked Joel Matip, a midfielder pretending to be a CB and 2 rookies. If JK pulls this off a statue won’t be enough. They’ll have to rename the bloody ground after him.


I have all the lucky charms out and touch them every day.


I know things are dire and we have to substantially downgrade our expectations,

to winning just the PL and CL



Not that Benny Hill’s type of charms :joy:. Oh my word! That was a blast from the past.

This! :point_down:




Just praying we get a CL spot

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