“Extreme load” message

No reason for it, sounds like bullshit to me, just another attention seeker jumping on the bandwagon.

Forum’s cracking over Caicedo. Damn.

In the interest of this being a family forum, I choose not to respond against “extreme load”

24 users is an extreme load?

Are they all obese?

Seen 11 players at the Emirates wearing snide Newcastle jerseys earlier this evening… now they were an extreme load…

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Considers the joke about @PeachesEnRegalia and that Alice chick with an extreme load. Runs away…….

Extreme load FFS @PeachesEnRegalia

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jerk off ed edd and eddy GIF

I think I might have figured it out !!!

Could you let me know if this happens again ? It seems I had loads of WebCrawler’s basically competing (6000 bot views a day). Which would not be so bad but it seems they spike on certain days and time !

Most from Russia and China :unamused:, and they were taking up 50% of the resources.

I have block a load of them, lets see if that improves the performance.

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Time to DDoS the crawlers!

@ISMF - Performance has been sluggish lately, and I am now seeing the ‘extreme load’ message which confirms it is not internet performance on my end.

Sorry that is me, working in the back end.

With the season ending, I am doing some backups, back end cleaning and preparing for some updates and new features.

Performance might be a bit variable to the end of the week. Likely worst on Saturday night/Sunday Morning UK time.

However after that it should be all good !


Extreme load message…

Gets this response?



Sure it’s not @PeachesEnRegalia ?

Isn’t that the general thing for our lot. Anything goes wrong, blame Peaches


“Website Updates: TAN Performance May Vary Until May 28”



I stopped reading after back end. Not into that sort of thing I’m afraid :worried:


Doth protest too much, Craig…:rofl:

I had problems logging in yesterday for a few hours.

I kept getting gateway error 504