FIFA World Cup: Qatar 2022

Borna Sosa?

More like Borna Fisherman.

Neymar escapes yellow.

That Petkovic couldnā€™t trap a bag of ceā€¦

Modric still on.

Brazil :brazil: will be confident in a penalty shootout.
Then again Spain :es: were also.

Ah fuck sakes Brozovic

That Lovren chap at the back looks handyā€¦

That deserved a better finish ffs.

Literally world class for Croatia

Danilo lol.

Brazil 1-0, Neymar

Croatia are the new Italy


First time weā€™ve really seen Brazil change it up.


That blokes a new meme.

Brilliantly crafted and finished by Neymar.

Thatā€™s the individual difference between the 2.

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The crowd reactions so utterly fake.

10th attempt pays off. Neymar been poor all game but then that.

Goalie has been good, but that was a weird attempt by him.

Didnā€™t take them long to regret that.

To be fair Brazil deserve the lead. Croatia are boring the life out of this world cup

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