Former players and managers - general discussion

if a 27 year old man told me that my 14 year daughter was beautiful,

he’d get a slap and told to fuck off and not to come near my family again


What about context?

If it was some creepy looking dude you never met before and that was the first thing he said, then ok.

If it was a family friend that you’ve met up with a dozen or so times and after a few hours of chatter you got to a point where you showed each others family photos on your phones and he said something along the lines of “Wow, your daughter’s beautiful, you’re really blessed to have such a wonderful family”, then your reaction would be a bit different, no?

Let Sven fulfil his dream


He said he wanted to marry her.

It may be legal, but it’s creepy.

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Why not? Why be so uncharitable?

It’s only a charity match after all. I suppose some of the money raised would go to one or more cancer related charities so it would appropriate for a coach with terminal cancer to fulfill a lifelong wish and ‘manage’ the Reds just once.


May have posted elsewhere but Svengali leaves me very cold. Always seemed a selfish charmless man and he’s got no connection at all to Liverpool. Far more ‘deserving’ people who could ‘manage’ said team.


Mane’s culture is different. There’s no dating there. It’s probably something of an agreement made 2 years ago to marry once she turns 18.

Wouldn’t read too much into that. He’s done what’s accepted in his country.

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its problematic becuase Sadios boundaries may have been with one eye on his successful career in europe would be in jeopardy if he put a foot wrong…

the uneasy feeling comes from imagining what happens to these girls when the scrutiny of a multi million dollar contract isnt watching…the less glamorous ones…the 14 year old girl not blessed with traditional ‘good looks’…

maybe Sadios culture sees this as the norm, but it doesnt mean its right…and it doesnt mean it shouldnt change, and me thinking this doesnt mean im being culturally intolerent or have a colonial brain… if its not grooming, its one step away from it.

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Found the pedophile.

He’s a lifelong Liverpool fan and so is his father. Is that not a connection?


Just to be clear, are you calling me a pedophile?

Change happens at its own pace. The society as such needs to change first and that takes time ( along with Education etc, it’s Senegal, a country which even compared to African countries isn’t doing well)

It’s important to let countries and societies change on their own though. Any comments on this(not here, but addressing the PPL of Senegal) can easily be taken the wrong way.

Perhaps I’ve been too hasty! I don’t know much about Sven except from media around his time as England coach and the reporting of his affairs etc.

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we’re not exactly discussing opposite points here.

im just saying, Sadio might be an absolute gentleman and a loving husband and this story ends as a happily ever after…but the mechansisms that allow it to happen i can only imagine could have horrible consequences for a lot of girls not so high profile. its all good saying ‘change happens at its own pace’ and intimate that any opinion i have as a caucasian westerner should be tampered…but i think that misses the point completely…values should be changed rapidly to align with the year 2023…not respectfully allowed to change at a pace a completely patriachial society is comfortable with.

im not uncomfortable with calling it out, even if Manes a true gent, the ability for him to virtually court a 16 year old, put a marker on her and marry her at a time hes comfortable with is really uncomfortable to me.

id also wonder what the consensus would be if he never wore the red of Liverpool…


I don’t disagree with anything you say except that in my experience interacting with societies , they do not take well to an outsider expressing their dissatisfaction as societies by and large are an insular front. Its not restricted to third world countries alone , just imagine the reactions of a sizable number in USA when guns are discussed for instance.

When you say values should be rapidly changed to align with 2023 , I do agree. But the change needs to be coming within the society.

If you look at India for instance , it took reformers within the society to end the practice of “sati”. Same goes for change in Islamic world.


I’m not comfortable with someone grooming a 16 year old either.