Klopp sings
Happy Christmas
Klopp sings
Happy Christmas
Merry Christmas to all at TAN…its an odd one…but we’ll get thru this…have a good one all LFC fans far and wide…
A lovely Christmas and holiday season to all my friends.
My wife is complaining and wondering why Merry Christmas, Everton is stuck is her head.
Listening to this, Kloppo could have become a formidable pastor. That’s inspired stuff which sounds true, profound and genuine.
Thinking about it: knowing him, he’d have probably been some sort of new Luther if he’d have chosen that path of life… rejuvenating the whole reformed Church, prompting thousands to go to his speeches on Sundays…
Merry Christmas to all of ye lads and ladesses!
If he ever goes into politics he will be the First President of Earth.
If they don’t love Klopp they have something missing in their brain and their heart.
Why do you have two different caps @ISMF
It’s just random
Talk about taking down the decorations and the place looks bare - have also lost Themes, and now have this bright white shit which isnt funny @ISMF
Reminds me of yesterday’s kit
Anyone else going snowblind @ISMF