Here's To Your Health


Polio, Cervical Cancer, Smallpox, - no wonder everybody embraces vaccines with open arms given the number of lives and the pain and suffering they alleviate.

Lets not forget measles, yellow fever, typhoid, mumps hepetitis ect

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I am wondering if anyone has either followed the Carnivore Diet or knows somebody that has?

There is very little scientific research regarding this eating program. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence of improved health and of it being used to combat specific maladies.

I can understand the ideas behind it and they broadly make sense and an obvious benefit is that this diet eliminates processed food. But it is not a lifestyle I would follow without some real evidence. Certainly may have benefits, but it would be an incredibly boring and difficult lifestyle choice.

Going into ketosis is a metabolic survival measure, no animal on earth would willingly go there let alone knowingly go there except one looking for extremes.
As the author says,

At the end of the day, the average person will benefit tremendously from any diet that gets them away from sugar and ultra-refined grain products, and toward a diet comprised of whole, natural foods.

… and there’s a lot more natural, less processed … than meat. Beans, Nuts, Fruit, Veg, Root crops, Insects, Seaweed … all of which can be eaten with meat.

Ketosis does have its benefits though if you are wanting to lose excess weight.

Switching from a glucose (carbs and sugar) fuel supply to a fat fuel supply should result in the body burning excess fat stores. I agree, for someone who has no weight problems there would be no need to follow a “keto” program.

@BigJon The way I look at is it has taken you your lifetime to gain the excess weight. I then conclude the lost of that weight isn’t going to happen overnight. Anything that promises fast weight loss without weight gain after is in fallisy domain.
Btw being diabetic I have experienced ketosis, all be it in a very different metabolic state, and it is no joke. Dilerium followed by euphoria, risk of coma, not to mention the temperment changes like excess aggressivity (you can end up in a state that is risky for you yet not be aware of it at all).
I believe that to start weight loss you need to go by logical steps, the 1st one is know what your actually eating now (so many people are in denial here it really is important) example, you go on about processed foods start there what processed foods do you eat, then eliminate them.
Just push toward a healthy and balanced diet, put in as many 40 minute excersie periods you can in a week (you’ll be surprised how quickly you can increase the amout you do in 40 minutes with time if you do it regularly). The aim here isn’t to push yourself but just get 40 minutes where you feel your breathing has increased (this in turn means your heart rate has increased from 60 to between 80 and 110).
What worries me about these keto and carnivore diets is those proposing them do not appear to be adressing solutions to the problems that these diets can cause. When I followed a vegan diet we and those proposing this diet actively looked for solutions to the problems this diet can cause, that in my view is healthy. What I get when I look up these keto diets is that they say well eventually your body will adapted otherwise this diet isn’t for you, wtf is that?

Being adapted usually means being fat-adapted - your body uses fat as its primary fuel source not glucose.
It is like having a dual fuel car that can either run on glucose or fat. The body loves glucose as it is easy to convert into energy and is much faster than converting fat to energy.

The problems come when your body becomes so accustomed to using glucose as fuel that it struggles to use its “tank” of stored fat energy. If the body becomes overloaded by glucose the cells become resistant to it which is the primary cause of diabetes.

It is pretty certain that it is beneficial to switch your body to fat-burning mode regularly - otherwise your dual fuel machine becomes overloaded and does not perform to the manufacturers specifications. Kind of use it or lose it.

type 2
there are many types however type 1 and type 2 generally suffice to generalise.

So what you are saying is some people who get fat eat too much sugar. So surely the answer is eat less sugar particularly from a young age.

I personally would use reasonned fasting rather than extreme dietetary regimes but 1st you have to make an effort to get to a reasonned healthy balanced diet and that’s not given. All those snacks, nice rich desserts, chocolate bars … I mean how many times do certain people actually eat a day and what do they eat. You see it all the time kids with a soda or a candy bar near to all the time, famillies with garages full of soda and ice cream.

Let’s not hid the reality. People are forcing their bodies to work solely on sugar.

EDIT: and beer, full of sugar that stuff.