I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread


If they file for administration now , even after the further 9 point deduction, they’ll be in the premier league.

They will atleast have the chance to sell their better players at a slightly more favourable price.

There’s going to be a lot of sales happening. The best thing going for them is that they have Sean Dyche who’s been the best at handling meagre transfer budgets.

I think Everton will struggle if they declare administration next year and take a bigger points penalty. Best to take the hit this season and start the next one with no further penalties.

Considering that they will have their most useful assets sold. Looking at Onana , Branthwaite , Pickford , DCL.

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Why should Everton be put under administration when the FA are the ones who are to blame for this, don’t they have a fit and proper person test ?

If any failings come down to ownership then surely the fa/premier league are to blame …instead of wanking off over the backhanders they probably get to secure ownership from dodgy fuckers …maybe they should actually do their job and make sure that any prospective owners can safely guarantee that they can operate running a club properly.

People forget how close to a similar situation we were in not to long ago, & tbh seeing some people salivating at the prospect of another sleeping giant going under is sad , if football is to see Everton punished because of the ineptitude of those who should be guardians of the game then we may as well pack it in, rivalry is good and all that, but to see a team kicked even further when they are down is wrong…and we should know because we’ve almost been there…and it’s a shame that some seem to relish this happening to others , when it came so close to being us


Farhad Moshiri chose the guys to sell the club too. I do agree that FA should have a proper person test but the main mistake is done by Everton’s boss wanting off as quickly as possible.

What about the teams that Everton were able to stay over due to them breaching the FFP regulations? Why should those teams be penalized for Everton not following the rule book ?

Should the FA be doing the management of the clubs too ? The only charge the FA and PL can get (for Everton) is that their fit and proper owner test is a joke. One which we’ve known for a long time when the likes of Roman and the Sheikhs started buying in.

Everton do have to be punished for their crimes.

Really don’t agree with your first question on Everton being put under administration because the PL/ FA rules were fucked.

Everton knowingly commited those mistakes. It’s totally irrelevant whether they spent the excess money well(that’s again on their idiotic spending)

Having a net spend more than Liverpool (over the last 10 or so years) (pretty sure that’s the case) and then wanting to escape administration etc because they are a club with legacy and it nearly happened to Liverpool).

Liverpool owed money to the banks(and only 1 bank if memory serves correctly) under H&G. We didn’t owe money to three to four entities. There’s little in common between the two financial situations. Liverpool didn’t go ahead with their plans to build a new stadium and Everton did go ahead despite knowing their financial positions were shit , they were over spending on transfers , the league positions were on the lower half tending to relegation battles and now they in all probability will have a white elephant in the form of their new stadium and the debts that still need to be repaid to the lenders there

If they go into administration, they have no say what prices their players may or may not fetch. That will be soley up to the administrator to accept what they believe are fair value bids to ensure that money is raised to pay off creditors, anything above that is immaterial to the administrators.

This is why the whole notion of retrospective punishment for transgressions is a can of worms. We need to be operating a system where the PL are able to say to clubs that they cannot register a layer if they don’t have space to do the deal on their books.

Do Leicester go down last season if Everton operate within PSR? Who know. But if the Premier League controlled Everton instead of retrospectively punishing them, it wouldn’t even be a discussion.


This is where I think the League 2 system is possibly something that all of the leagues need to look at implimenting.

All clubs are required to provide the league a forecast for the next season and provide proof of funds being available. The league are then able to revew each clubs forecast of income based on season tickets, sponsorship and TV money. Money from a good run in FA Cup is not considered as it is not guaranteed. From this set of accounts, the league can then set what the appropriate wage budget for each club is.


Yeah. I’d agree with that rationale. It’s basically a fire sale at that moment. The players salaries alone would have been unpayable for Everton by that time.

There’s the point that the EPL kept offering a longer rope to Everton and Everton chose to use that role to hang themselves rather than to crawl out of the shit.

Some parts of that can be implemented.

I like the idea of the teams providing the leagues forecasted revenue but would rather have it based on ticket sales , merchandise sales etc and then the tv rights money. The tv rights money depends on where they are going to finish in the league and its not equitably distributed imo (it’s better than the other leagues) but could still be better.

It essentially calls for private club forecasts etc to be made more public. Add sources of funding there and that’s a doable thing.

That isn’t rationale, that is how administration works. An administration expert firm will come in to take over the day to day running of the business and will appoint one of their staff as the administrator who will basically be taking on the role of CEO or Managing Director. Their tasks rank in the following order:

  1. Ensure enough cash in the business to allow it to operate for 30 days.
  2. Get a complete overview of the financial health and anything that can play a part in the future (R&D) and what debts are owed to who,
  3. What assets are available that can be sold off to raise the funds to clears said debts
  4. Where possible, leave a setup of staff in place that can ensure the business is run smoothly in the future to limit the risk of going into administration again.

So if the bitters go into administration, they won’t use the usual calculations of age + contract length + usual footballing bullshit to drive a players value up, they will simply look at what is a fair value, and then anyone who comes in to match that value can negotiate with the player.


Am I right in thinking that the difference between Everton and Liverpool (under Hicks and Gillet) is that the club themselves are in debt whereas with us it was the holding company that couldn’t repay their loans and the club itself was regarded as a single viable asset (and hence not selling off individual players)?

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Not sure. H&G loaded debts onto the club as part of their leveraged takeover. So the club was in debt because of that

As opposed to Everton who are in debt because of their spending.

Like @RedWhippet I thoght the debt was loaded onto the holding company, not the club itself. Hence when Barclays came to call in the debt, the club was sold as an asset of the holding company

Like I said , I’m not sure.

But the holding company for all intents is the club. It might be easier to get (all associated companies) to one place for accounting purposes and for ease in selling the club but it essentially means the same thing on whether the debt is on the holding company or the club.

FSG formed a holding company for the purpose of taking over Liverpool FC. I’d assume that H&G did the same when they took over us.

Not really.

If the debt is held by the holding company, then the club will be written down and accounted for as an asset, so the whole thing can be sold as 1 asset rather than having to go through a complete breakdown of the club to split into sellable assets.

The idea of establishing a holding company is to allow the owner/s to distance themselves from liabilty of being sued and chased for debts owed. Similar to how builders or plumbers will set themselves up as a private Ltd company, to protect themselves from lawsuits should they cause a fuck up on a job that has repercussions on them financially


Unless I’m mistaken I believe the Belgian and Dutch leagues are merging in a year or two - so it would be a fair bit more profitable once they’re playing Ajax and PSV every week.

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I thought that was canned? Same as the proposed Atlantic league a few years back. It doesn’t guarantee CL spots to the bigger teams.

Probably something that would be good for both the countries in the longer run. Definitely got Belgium football clubs.

Nah, fuck 'em :grinning::+1:

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