Joel MATIP: 2020/21

Say no more lazy arse number 10 just looking pretty :kissing_heart:


Also when your a defender and your forwards can not score for it affects your morale. This is what I see in games more than anything.

Regardless of any of the psycho-analyst bullshit - our season has been a disaster and that is largely down to the fact that we need something like 40 attempts on goal to score one.

Our defensive injuries have meant we will concede more chances and we probably concede a goal for every 4 chances the opposition get.

The maths don’t add up and we will stay this way I too we are more ruthless in front of goal

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Goals conceded last season 33 and this season 39
Goals scored last season 85 and this season 55.
Let’s not be mistaken where the real problem lies!


Finishing has definitely been the problem the last few games and with Fabinho restored to the midfield. Prior to that when we were using Fabinho or Henderson as CBs, sometimes both at the same time, we weren’t even creating chances. Using our two best midfielders as CBs for the majority of the season has unbalanced the team. Obviously there have been other contributory factors to us having such a poor season but this is the biggest one for me.

And that’s fine; after all, life would be very boring indeed if everyone agreed all the time.

However, the fact remains that we should have been 3- or 4-0 up in pretty much every game we have played during this bad run of results; had our forwards converted their chances, the odd defensive lapse wouldn’t have been so crucial.


Read the above posts yer big numpty I already said that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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What’s the stats for chances created this season v last season.

I bet there isn’t much difference between chances created this year to last.

Bet the chances converted though are poles apart

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Be blessed, always :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::palms_up_together:



Is this a picture of him the last time he went through a full season without injury?


His Missus be pretty though. Congratulations to both of them

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No cotton wool! :astonished: :cry:

My reaction when this thread is bumped:

:weary: FFS

Then it takes me a couple of minutes to realise
 all good. no panic


I have the same problem whenever I see notifications in Matip, Keita, or AOC threads. :expressionless:

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With Matip the particularly disconcerting aspect for me is that you could see the very latest pictures of him looking fit and healthy, express relief at the fact that he’s not injured and yet, at that very moment, he could actually now be injured and out for several weeks.


Both hilarious and true!

Much like everyone else, I hold my breath anytime I log on and see 5+ replies in the Matip thread. :see_no_evil: