Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Well, I am not the kind of person who will attack people or what they post. For me, it’s an opinion and I respect it. Your post is a prime example of taking things completely out of context and blow them out of proportion.
What I said about the players was about my whole post as a context , that some players have been hiding behind poor performances and the manager has had to take all the blame.(especially for idiots asking Klopp to be sacked)

Please allow me to set some things straight for you:

  • I very well understand how our team works and how injuries have affected us and trust me, I am first one to admit and appreciate where we have been in the context of our situation. Here’s one for you to read.
    Expectations for the season - #418 by maxpain17

  • But, as I said performance of “some of them” (Note, I never said all) have been absolutely dreadful and If you would like to completely ignore that, then that’s your choice.
    Just an example, Trent was absolutely sensational for the last 2 years, but with Virg not there in the team, does it mean he cannot cross past the first man ? There is nothing about that being able to click with new rotating CBs or players being injured.

You do realise why Jurgen has not rotated some of the players even with injuries, is to ensure stability in the team. So that, only few parts are moving but it has had a cost , that players had to be played irrespective of their performances.
Even our players have themselves admitted that they have approached games in the wrong mindset and just expected that we could turn up and we will win.

  • And , you seriously believe saying “Trent can’t put a cross beyond the first man or Robbo slows the play down , as he always passes backwards” is character assassination.That made me chuckle. Seriously, my request is please read some of our in-game threads ? You will be amazed !! Players are sold there to other clubs in each game :stuck_out_tongue:

Now, lastly, my whole hearted request is this is Jurgen’s thread , so let it be about Jurgen , not about how shite my post was. I am sure we both love our boss and this team.
Feel free to DM me and send me all your lovely rants, swearing and I won’t mind at all.