Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

There are a lot of rumours swirling around Klopp having a real big bust up with the press in the embargo section. I hope it is not true!

Wouldn’t be a surprise with knob heads like Pearce and Markham hanging about…pair of stains on this club.

But switching to a more positive note, Klopp was 100% spot on at the end there with what he had to say about Hillsborough.

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What press embargo section? I didn’t know we had one.

It’s basically an extended part that immediately follows the point where it’s cut which we don’t always get to see…assuming the knobalists “dive deeper” and take it upon themselves to really dig into Klopp and get a reaction so best not to catch it on air.

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Thanks, never knew that there was a part of the press conference which was not filmed.

It gets filmed but not everything will be released.

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I don’t understand the point of it in football.

I’ve experienced it professionally in scientific publishing. The idea there is that it prevents the entity who owns the information getting scooped, but also gives a cooling off period for less technical mainstream outlets to fully understand the findings before rushing to press with a misinterpretation of it. The latter bit never really works anyway, but even if it did, I dont see how any of this perceived value to translates to football.

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Few journalists on Twitter saying he was not in a good mood :grin:

I just watched the Leeds press conference. Klopp seemed abit irritated, but was controlling himself when it came to the question of Jude. In front of the press, he seemed to put on a brave face, but I get the feeling, he is not happy with FSG, but has to put on a united front and he is been given a budget he has to work with, which is much less than he anticipated.

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Not happy with FSG, or not happy to have to repeat himself over and over again to a bunch of idiots who will then misrepresent his words?


1000% this. same bullshit lines being repeated by the same idiotic clickbait “journalists”

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Cannot sack him really… He is so so important to their model. There are brilliant managers out there but would find it tough with the model that FSG run (limited spending for top club). So sacking klopp would be devastating for them…and of course us fans. But FSG are not stupid, they know what they have with Klopp.U cannot jus plug and play with another manager, we not fuckin City


I think it is abit of both, FSG were waiting for the ‘right player’ to come, now in 2023 they are saying they can’t afford a player more than £100M, then the journalists multiply it by x100 in the exaggeration stakes.
Our team is exhausted playing high intensity football without reinforcements for the last two seasons and now we will miss out Top 4. Jurgen is just caught in the middle.

I’m waiting for Jurgen to lose his patience and come up with an analogy which implies that the journalists are just asking stupid questions…

oh wait…

I remember an accountant guy, arguing with a manager, because the manager was always moaning for his annual spending budget to be increased… The accountant said to him, he himself likes to drink ten pints a night, but he can only afford three… so three is all he drinks…!
We are releasing two guys in the summer that cost a combined purchase cost in the region of £90m - without wages, bonus or add-ons… Unfortunately, neither have proved value for money over a number of seasons for whatever reason… Yet the fact remains… the money was spent by FSG because the bottom line is… it is ultimately their money…!
There is risk in everything, no-one needs to be taught that… but the risk of spending upwards of £120m on a single player… is a humungous risk. It’s not as though it is being spent on real-estate, or something else that brinks a lower risk for profit recovery… we are talking about a 19yr old footballer that can be upended in an instant by some Luke Shaw Grock, never to recover in the same way again.
Maybe FSG have run their course with LFC when other clubs are in a position to risk £120m every single week if they so choose…
Maybe FSG are actually desperate to sell LFC and move on…
Maybe FSG are shrewd enough to realise that football is hollowing itself from the inside, and sooner rather than later, sanity will be restored at some point and good money (TV money), can still be made from the club if the footballing world was run in a fairer mode.
Maybe the threat of the PL taking over the viewing rights, and the monies to be earned also, from BT Sport and Sky, might be the catalyst to restore some parity, or, it might be the final straw that takes football as we know it, beyond a tipping edge of no return.
If Jurgen was short fused with some of the media, maybe it is because these same numpty’s never ask the Chelsea’s, or the oil states, what satisfaction can they surely be gaining by inflating the world of football, and ultimately, ruining it as a spectacle, not just for our generation, but also for the many other generations that were to follow


I assume Klopp wants to talk football and he ends up talking about transfers, which he talked about last week and gave an up date on.

And the week before if I remember. I frankly couldn’t give a shit as a fan. That’s for the summer. Also we are no longer in for Bellingham? What more is there?

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Embarrassing ramble.
Why use 1000 words when you can use 200,000.

Shame he didn’t make more of FPP and Chelsea and Cheaty spending seemingly without the restrictions. He does the whole ‘thats just how it is’ rather than emphasising we are competing on an unfair playing field which I think would be a useful line to get out in general.

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Or, maybe he thinks the numpty’s asking the same old stale questions, need it explaining in ABC fashion…