Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Not baiting at all mate, you made a point and I provided my point of view on it. To reiterate my point, the club are not doing anything different to other clubs. It is a requirement for fans to be seated at games, and has been for 30 years. It is not a recent issue and not one the club can change.
I also find it pretty pathetic that your response to my post, is that I am wrong and don’t know what I am talking about, on the basis I haven’t been to a good number of matches.

I think if you have a reputation for having a fervent home crowd, use this as a selling point, and expect it to help influence games in a way other clubs cannot call upon, simply doing the same as other clubs isnt much a defense.

You stated that teams have been creating good atmospheres for 30 years with people sitting down. If you had been to more games, you’d know why that isn’t true. That’s not me playing the ‘local’ card to win the argument, it’s just a matter of fact.

I’ve been to most of the games with the best atmospheres over Klopp’s tenure - Dortmund, City (x2), Roma, Barca. The people creating noise in Anfield were not sat down, they were allowed to stand. That’s the way it has been for years, which you’d know if you had been. The loudest blocks in the Kop were always full of people standing. Not sure if that’s still the case, I couldn’t say as I haven’t been for 18 months or so.

You seem to think that because it’s an all seater stadium that people haven’t been standing. Sorry, but you don’t know what you’re talking about in regards to this topic, there’s no way of getting around that.


It’s all Bobby’s fault for leaving. The Firminio song is one of the best and created an atmosphere by itself.


I miss him. More than I thought I would.

Note that three days after that United match with the dull atmosphere everyone is discussing, we had a visit from West Ham and the crowd was definitely up for it.

Making a mountain out of a molehill, methinks. Something for folks to talk about.

The atmosphere was shit, should nothing have been said and just wait for the next game hoping things will be different? Or should someone have said something?

Were you there? Most people who were don’t seem to think it was.

No, purely going on what I heard on TV, so either they are wrong or the TV broadcast deliberately/mistakenly lowered the stadium volume. Im 100% sure Jurgen was there.

Ah, yeah, you can’t judge from the tv.

Sure, the United performance wasn’t our best day on the pitch, but it certainly wasn’t that horrible that it “merited” a somewhat worse atmosphere than usually in these home games against big clubs (and our biggest rival).

It’s still United at home, with a new Anfield capacity, opportunity to remain top of the table. More than enough reasons, plus still a pretty good performance. I wasn’t there, but I was excited on both fronts before the game; for our performance and the atmosphere.

To a measure, of course it goes together. What the crowd brings to the game and what the game brings to the crowd. The start was good, but it genuinely did feel like if we didn’t get an early goal, it all felt similar or a bit worse than an “ordinary game”.

I felt Klopp was bang on when he went sarcastic like “sorry if that performance wasn’t enough to get the crowd going, that we didn’t smash them”.

It wasn’t something from the dark days like getting knocked out at home against Northampton under Roy or an absolute nothing-nothing game which you get from time to time (not often under Klopp though, we are used to new standards these days).


German Klopp Interview. 31 minutes. In a Delorean.


There is google auto translate.

We could bring in Fat Sam. No chance of him speaking a foreign lingo.

You’d still need subtitles though.


I wouldn’t, as I talk shite fluently

Being translated into GMT as I type.

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Have to make sure the fist is clenched throughout the movement next time ….And having written that I’m :person_facepalming:t2:

Hi Reds again, please could you vote for our gaffer/guru/leader/spiritual head/surrogate dad😃 etc for EPL manager for December please.

Thanks you lovelies❤️


What about the dreaded curse of manager of the month. Much rather he just wins the PL rather than some voted award


Yeah it’s a curse I’ll be voting for someone else on that basis.