Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Jurgen is entitled to say what he wants. There are wider issues not within his purview, such as the price of tickets. But he has seen the current Anfield crowd bouncing numerous times, with a brilliant atmosphere. He wants it to be more like that, more of the time. Is right.


Apologies for the posting of X


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“Playing without Antonio, and Bowen steps up in that position – probably my favourite player besides my players,” Klopp said.

“It’s just great what he’s doing and how he develops.”


Welcome to the Liverpool family Jarrod lad.

Bowen and Son around Klopp’s house for christmas dinner

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Donald Trump GIF by CBS News

Someone evidently did last week.

That was somebody, not nobody, besides that old guy complains about everything.

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I am surprised that Klopp’s comment’s, have, by a few people, been taken out of proportion. Further more, dismissing his point of view by using ticket prices, not being able to sit next to your mates and age as reason.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to go to many games due to Tickets being like rocking horse sh*t. When I have been able to get tickets, I have paid over the price, sat with people I don’t know and of varying ages. If anything that has made me appreciate the game more and interact with fellow fans.
There was one game I went to and there was a couple behind me, the lady was about 60 odd and was jumping up and down and criticising the ref politely as old people do. I had never met her before in my life but we had a good laugh, so I disagree with the notion that you have to sit with your friends or to be young to be vociferous.

In my opinion, Klopp has basically used the recent media comments, as a way of galvanising the fans. Arsenal will be a tough game, so do you try and use everything in your power to get an advantage…of course you do. Last game before Xmas, against top of the table, after a poor result against Utd. Why not call on the fans to up their game??? We expect from our team, why can they not expect from us?

@ILLOK I trust you are aware of the history and sensitivity around standing?
Every EPL team has an all seater stadium, where fans are expected to be seated. It has only recent, that the integration of safe standing areas has been introduced and which I believe are still being trialled. So yeah, you can have a great atmosphere sitting down like many a teams supporters have done for 30+ years.

Anyhow, I will reiterate Klopp’s call, either get behind the team and sing your heart out or give your ticket to someone else.
On that point, I am looking for two tickets for the Arsenal game. I will happily pay over the odds and sing my heart out for the good cause, feel free to DM me if you do have tickets :joy::+1:t2:


i understand your point, but i get what Klopps doing…he needs that stadium pumping.

100% garuntee if he sat down with you one on one hed agree with your points, but unlike you (the paying public) he doesnt have the luxuary of saying it how it is.

its a plea from one of our greatest managers…hes shown enough intelligence and gets the fans enough to be given that bit of leeway when he makes comments like this.

id like to interpret it differently…i see it as Jurgen absolutely thinking we are in with a shot this year and using his gunpowder…not keeping it dry…he wants every 1% he can get and is appealing to the fans to provide…

most people will take offence by this and maybe start up the old ‘you dont have to be from L4 diatribe’…me personally, its the reason i come to the forums…im after genuine local insight as theres no way known i could ever have the same daily living experience.

i gather theres a growing resentment around the commercialisation of football, and the fact that the locals are probably powerless to stop it…daytrippers would be pandered to, and prices off the planet…

is there a groundswell for watching other local teams or even the ressies or womens?

i reckon if i was from L4 and had to go through the match day experience and its costs, id have swerved it long ago to go watch tranmere or the ressies or youth teams?

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It’s not like he hasn’t done it before. And it was clearly pre-planned ahead of the Arsenal game.

I do have some sympathy with @ILLOKs position though. It’s poor form for club officials to complain about the atmosphere, when the biggest barriers to atmosphere are not in fans hands. It’s phenomenally expensive, and when you do get in you are very unlikely to be sitting next to anyone you know. Of course people sit in silence.

If the atmosphere os something Klopp needs to harness, then he needs to be throwing his influence at those who look after the ticketing and seating policies, rather than the supporters.

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Copied over from the Anfield and Kirkby thread - This…



My belief is that Jurgen has said what he has for a specific purpose that is bigger than the obvious first impression. He is not a stupid man, he will already be fully armed with hearing the gripes from the fans that want the same stadium noise as him… He knows he can’t directly challenge FSG policy regarding the commercialism of the club… but what he can do is bring this issue to the surface, by making such a statement as he did recently, knowing full well there will be a groundswell of fans opinions on the matter… In other words, to me anyway, he has INDIRECTLY, challenged the present club format for dealing with supporters…
We know he is doing his utmost wearing his managers hat, it has certainly become obvious, others involved in the running of LFC, are falling somewhat short in encouraging that the stadium is ‘bouncing’ for the majority of the games.

Firstly, I’d point out that I have no problems with daytrippers (provided they’re actually Liverpool fans, which many aren’t). I don’t use that term to disparage, though it’s always taken offensively on here and people always feel the need to tell you how good of a fan they are. I honestly don’t care, and I think it’s great when people get to make the trip. I always offer advice in the Liverpool thread for people coming over.

That said, there are people on here who’ve never been to a match and they wade in on these topics as if they’re experts. Just because you went to a match once and sang your lungs out for 90 minutes (which nobody ever does at a random league game at 3pm, but okay), and the old guy next to you didn’t, doesn’t mean we should be looking at getting more of them in at the expense of locals, as has been suggested elsewhere on this forum. The local support is still the lifeblood of Anfield, all of those famous Anfield nights are because of that support. If you (not YOU) take a minute to think about it, of course that makes sense. They’re the ones who come up with the songs, who get them going in the ground, bring all the banners to every game etc. Daytrippers don’t do that, and that’s fine, they don’t need to but they can join in. Anfield can accomodate both groups, but there needs to be a concerted effort from the club to change many aspects of the ticketing process if improving the atmosphere is a concern.

I went to a game in 2018 with a friend’s dad, the last game he’s been to. He hitchiked all over Europe in the 70s and 80s to watch Liverpool and was still going to every game when Hodgson was in charge. The first European final he ever missed was the Europa League one under Klopp, because he had a tumour and has since had the cancer spread, had a heart attack and a myriad of other health problems. Anyway, at that game (Burnley), he wanted me to take him despite “not being in the right shape” and would have been one of these cumudgeonly old bastards that people have decided to rally against. Posters from Germany, Australia and wherever else, who’ve never stepped foot inside Anfield, have decided that he shouldn’t be the type to get a ticket because he can’t sing. I cringe when I read this stuff, it’s crass and moronic.

There is no great desire to watch other local teams as far as I can tell. I know a couple of lads who watch their local team (Marine, for example) but they still support Liverpool. Like me, most people who’ve stopped going still watch on the TV, they’re just not as invested in the club as they were (literally and figuratively).

As for Klopp getting the stadium pumping - I’m sure that was his intention, but he should have gone about it differently. I don’t know anybody who would read his comments and suddenly be fired up, as far as I can tell most matchgoing fans will either ignore them or, like me, think he’s talking nonsense. If you look around online at local journos or Liverpool content creators (ugh), two groups who are often only generous towards the manager because they want access, have been openly critical or questioning of his tone.

The atmosphere should be much better against Arsenal regardless of his comments - it’s christmas eve eve (that’s a thing, allow it), top of the table clash, 17:30 kick off. Unlike the United game, it will probably be more end to end and competitive. Again, people on here think the crowd should just be lifting the team regardless of what’s happening on the pitch, but that isn’t what happens. The Anfield crowd isn’t a wall of droning noise, it is reactive to what’s happening. If Klopp wants a better atmosphere all he has to do is play more exciting football than we did against United and the rest will follow.


100% this. It’s really not the fans job to lift the team; it’s great that they can (at times) but expecting it all the time makes it impossible. Asking the fans to make more noise is the sort of plastic shite better suited to a hydrocarbon club. Perhaps Jurgen really has gotten too pally with Pep…

the holy trinity is the key to our succes and 3 part need to play there part

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Thing is: Klopp has a German background, and every club in Germany has a set of ultras who will create a wall of noise no matter what. Dortmund is obviously a sterling example, but really, you’ll find it anywhere in Germany. So, it’s only natural that he compares the atmosphere at Anfield with what he has becomed accustomed to in the past.

That being said, the unique atmosphere inside Anfield is in part precisely due to the fact that it is reactive to what happens on the pitch. There is a symbiosis between players and supporters. If the former don’t play well, the atmoshere won’t be great. If they find their act together at some point, then suddenly the sound levels will go through the roof, and it will in turn improve the players. That’s the magic of Anfield, and I wouldn’t want to have it otherwise.

Still, there is a difference between European games under the spotlights, and a random 1.30pm league game against shite opposition, and I think that there is nothing wrong in occasionally pointing the finger towards that fact, and trying to ask the supporters to take up a bit more responsibility. It worked in the past, and will possibly work again.


Ah, I’d started writing out a response to this, but it isn’t worth the effort, especially with the Hillsborough/Heysel baiting.

You are wrong and you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’d know why if you’d been to a good number of matches, but you haven’t.

Plenty of people putting blame on certain fans and giving another group a free hand.

Making overly complicated songs only a couple of people know is not to get people involved.

Sorry but a song needs a decent chorus and that will be what a lot sing along too.

But then some of those long termers just moan anyhow. It’s really poor in certain areas. Bar the Kop.