Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

I’m quiet confident we will do better next season, this slump could have a knock on effect though so we need to snap out of it quick or be ready to go all for it in the CL.

Geez, relax dude…

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For me, it’s felt pretty empty and meaningless since project restart (trophy lift aside, to an extent). But maybe that’s just me. Of course, I still watch every match, still post and comment on games, and still hope we do well, of course I’d like us to win the league, and not be battling for 4th place but it is what is it…

I’m not saying null and void, I’m just saying for me it seems, well, a little empty.


Mate, I fucking hate watching us currently. It drains my very essence. I totally get the sentiment.

It’s the hope that kills you, the glimer of a hope haha.


You know I actually now accept I am going down the wrong route comparing him to Rodgers and had written a long reply but actually it’s a disagreement I don’t have the heart for.

What’s done is done.

What I would love to see happen now is the following;

Kabak starting - Spend this week with him starting in training, get him watching videos of Virgil, more importantly keep starting him
Jones starting - Let him have his chance now, a run of games to make mistakes, learn and contribute
Give Gini a break
Once Kabak has settled get Tsimikas playing.

Something like this would be lovely v’s Leicester;


Trent – Fabinho – Kabak – Robbo


Thiago -------- Jones


Salah ---- Mane

I’d love to throw in Keita instead of Oxlade but can’t have him breaking down again.

Thank fowler we have 7 days of a training window!.


Except when he quit Dortmund, in the midst of a similar (albeit more severe) slump.

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Except he didn’t. He left after the season concluded with Dortmund finishing 7th and reaching the cup final.


You must have missed my numerous posts on that subject… :laughing:

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He announced his departure in early April.

I’m not attacking him for it. If he felt he wasn’t the man for the job, fair play for walking, but walk he did, and it’s not out of the realms that he might do the same here.

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Not to split hairs but in April of 2015 Klopp asked to be released from his contract which ran thru 2018. The compromise was He finished out that season.

He said Dortmund deserved to be lead “by 100% the right manager”. Which he didn’t feel he was any longer.

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and…after his contract ended.

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I love you @Iftikhar but that’s not accurate. His deal ran thru 2018. He asked to be released from his contract.


Yes sorry, I wrongly presented. I meant his departure was agreed with the club beforehand.

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C’mere and gimme a hug ya big bruiser!

the office hug GIF by EditingAndLayout

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I’m not disputing that although unlikely he might leave. However the way you’ve worded it makes it sound as if he left them high and dry.

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Fair enough. That wasn’t my intention.

I mean, he’s not the prideful sort who’ll drag it out. As passionate and as heart-on-sleeve as he is on the sideline and presumably in the dressing room, he’s not devoid of pragmatism.

He’s not an obsessive martyr going down with the ship at the possible expense of his own well being, like Rafa. Most important of the least important things, and all of that.

Obviously I hope he doesn’t leave, especially in the current climate where he wouldn’t even receive an Anfield farewell. I’d urge him to lead us into at least one more season, hopefully with crowds restored, and review the situation in 2022.


This is my fear as well. Hope I am wrong.

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I don’t think Jurgen will quit this summer. The earliest I see him leaving is summer of 2022.

Not that he has scratched off this season already, but he will rally his troops and win another League title to show the world that he, his squad and Liverpool wasn’t just a flash in the pan.

Yes, this season and his time at Liverpool has been exhausting. But he isn’t a quitter.

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By eck is that the 1st time you have mentioned this?

BTW didn’t Jordan get accused of this??


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No and Jordan shouldn’t get accused of this as he was THE playmaker (perhaps not now with Thiago coming in but we haven’t seen them together yet so had to tell if Jordan will join the list a non playmaking playmakers or poop installers as I call them). :wink: