Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Already referred to it earlier: this argument doesn’t hold water.

I’d rather put it along as: they are so well-paid because they are among the best professionals in the game. But even with all their qualities, they are in a hole right now, due to all kinds of circumstances.

They have to come back fighting, get the basics right again asap, and then attack again. But being the great professionals they are, they know it best themselves. I don’t think that they feel sorry for themselves. They must rather be angry as we speak, and a lot of good can come from that anger.

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I think that’s the real problem. Not thinking there’s time for thinking. Presently, Klopp and his band is going through the motion, immersing in the hectic schedule, trying the same things, making the same mistakes and repeat.

It’s not like Klopp has to take a year or a week off. He just needs to break the monotonous and hectic schedule. Step away a bit. Take a day or two off. Reflect, take a different perspective and try things differently.

There’s no difference on the field because it’s always that same old, same old.

Cancel a session or two. Forget about football for a while. Just chill.

I think things will actually be better if there’s just a couple of sessions before the next game. What’s the fucking use of all the trainings and thinking when the pathetic past few weeks is weighing on him???

He just needs to let go. Relax for a few days. Fresh minds do wonders.


You make a good point, but I don’t think we appreciate how busy a PL manager can be, especially with a game to come every three days. The only way to achieve what you propose would probably be for him to let Pep and the others do the coaching/management stuff, while taking distance from it for a while. Not sure that a couple of days would be enough though.

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Thank you :blush:

That’s my point. He is never going to get a break. Even off-season is for planning for next season.

Have to try. He has no option. It’s a gamble that’s got nothing to lose.

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Well… go for it then, Jürgen! :+1:t2:

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I remember our demise in the early 90s very well, after Hillsborough knocked the stuffing out of the club.

The manager was visibly drained, our finances were affected by the lack of European football, we allowed the squad to age, we made some compromise buys, and we missed some players we should have signed - a young Mcallister, Pallister, Keane amongst them.

We replaced Kenny with a club legend who had had success at Rangers, but didn’t do the right things at LFC and we fell away.

I see echoes of this now, and it’s important we don’t go down the same path.

We all know why this season has gone south, and I do make allowances for what it must feel like to be a Liverpool player who risks his career every time he steps on the pitch due to officials allowing thuggery against them.

Klopp is the best manager we could have, Gerrard is not ready.

But our manager needs to find a way through this, he is not above criticism, his subs in particular make no sense a lot of the time. Goalkeeping mistakes aside, that match was lost the moment Shaqiri stepped on the pitch and our midfield was Gini, a tired Milner and an immobile Shaqiri.

You don’t win a league without your central defence and with so many refereeing injustices, but no way this side should be finishing outside the top four if we use the players we have properly.

Bobby offers little, until Jota is back we should change the system, go 352 if neccesary, or 442 diamond.

How about:
Kabak Fabinho Davies
TAA Hendo Gini Robertson
Mane Mo

It’s really frustrating that all we see week in week out is the same old same old, with no attempt to change it up, when we do have options.

Why play inferior players like Shaqiri or Origi when you could flood departments where there are better options?

This is where maybe Klopp is being hindered by the inexperience of his number two. Pep is a good coach, but maybe he’s too purist and not pragmatic enough.

Let’s back the manager, but hope he sees a way to fix this.


nah i cant be having that.

they need him more than he needs a break.

i can see your angle…but i know i as a player would resent any coach leaving halfway through a shit spell just to ‘refocus his vision’…fuck that, stay in the trenches with me.


100% agree. Last season was amazing, it was great to win the title, but not having fans there took a little of gloss off. This season has been a complete shit show, it feels completely meaningless (with the slight exception of the few games where 2000 fans were let in.) Write it off, and start again in August…

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not pelters, because its based on slither of truth…yes, if rodgers got done by city at home 4-1 and claimed he liked what he saw he’d get utterly trashed.

but thats about the only similarity…Rodgers isnt Klopp, he didnt win the league, he didnt unify the club, he didnt win the champions league, he didnt get the club, he just didnt fit…he wasnt Klopp.

so yes, Klopp gets leeway Rodgers doesnt, becuase, basically, hes earnt the right.

theres also the small fact that if Klopp said he was happy with a few things last night, then he probably was happy with a few things last night, no PR bullshit, just pragmatic, german, straight talking.


It only feels like this because were are utter gash. Leading up to Christmas sitting top of the league didn’t hear anyone mentioning the season as meaningless…

I know I’d prefer to win the league this season, than be battling for top 4…

The amount of abuse rival fans got by us for asking for null and void last season was huge, it’s an embarrasing sentiment from us now sorry. Yes we’ve had some injury problems but other than that we are facing the same COV19 impacts as everyone else. We’ve just not overcome them.

When all is said and done no-one will look back on any of the details of this season, but it will be title winners Man City not Liverpool.


You are looking at 1 match.

I’m talking about the current slump since after Christmas.


Playing the same core players over and over
An over-reliance on underperforming players at the expense of others who perform when given brief cameos
Playing the same tactics/formation which isn’t working
Not changing tactics in-game
Making ineffective subsitutions, typically too late to effect the game
Getting irratated in the media, pointing blame in the wrong direction
Appearing happy with performance because we did 10% of it “well”…

So there is a similarity since the West Brom game, Klopp doesn’t look nor is acting himself.

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Brendan is that you…?


yeah i did misread your post, but it doesnt change my point.

come on guys…this is Jurgen Fucking Klopp we are talking about…hes earnt the right to the benefit of the doubt…if hes dragged Curtis, and ill admit it was not what i was expecting/hoping for, then hes dragged Curtis for a reason…

…am i really having to explain the differences between this moment in time and Rodgers Demise (this is the second conversation im having on the matter)…

to pre-empt the natural progression here…no, his errors arent beyond discussing…

but referencing Brendon Rodgers and hinting at a whiff of equality between the two isnt discussing Klopps errors, its actually insulting…


Agree he’s utterly frustrated like the rest of us…


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good on him…nothing wrong with that…we need to not listen to the noise here, thats Jurgen being Jurgen…not Jurgen ‘cracking up’…

fuck the media portrayal of events…


no, its Jurgen Klopp.

fair dinkum…this is the third reference to Brendan Rodgers tonight that im defending against.

its Jurgen Klopp…Jurgen fucking klopp…

the guy that won us the champions league AND ended the thirty year wait…


Yes it is Jurgen Klopp, he is manager in our good, great and bad times.

He isn’t above criticism, as you say he has a hell of a lot of credit v’s the charlatan but it’s fair to question him recently… Especially when you compare this slump with the one he had in Dortmund. It is slightly worrying.

Why can’t you compare him? I can only base my opinion (right or wrong) on what I see/experience and that is watching some pretty huge slumps under the likes of Roy/Rodgers.

We capitulated against City, Alisson lost his head, but after that the entire team just gave up. It’s something I never ever expected to see under Klopp… It’s not the first time this season it’s happened either.

You have really missed my point, I’m not saying Klopp is Rodgers, nor the level of Rodgers, nor will he ever be… I’m saying that he is currently looking a bit like Rodgers which is terrifuckingfying…

*Edit - I actually now do agree, the Rodgers comparrisons are irrelevant, the criticisms for Klopp are there for discussion though. It is kind of his job to get us out of this mess.


He’s bang right.


ok, so ive missed your point. no dramas. i get it now…

  1. if we really have to, lets do it…lets compare the two…i wont even state my case because i feel its beneath Klopp

  2. and to drill down on it, lets review this current slump vs Rodgers slump after his near miss of 13/14…

just saw the edit…yep…Klopps got a lot of hard work ahead of him…if anyone can do it, im backing him…

and you know what…if this precious flame whithers and burns out over the next 18 months a la dortmund…im still so fucking glad i got to go on the ride with this team and manager…(for the record i dont think this is the end of the era though)


I don’t think that’s remotely fair.

He’s struggling, for sure. But why is he struggling?

  • he’s had a fucking nightmare injury crisis, including his entire defence.
  • he’s had a huge part of his managerial philosophy - the bond between players aand fans - yanked away.
  • he’s dealing with tired and burned out players after a monumental two years.
  • he’s probably similarly tired.

Now let’s look at why Brendan struggled.

  • he picked fights around the club
  • he got caught up in his own press
  • he refused play players that he considered that he hadn’t chosen himself
  • he couldn’t settle on a system and ended up confusing players shifting philosophies several times a game.

You can not compare the two.