Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

I don’t even care enough to respond to this commen… fuck.


Your principles are proved by what you do and not what you say. Money invariably finds a way to circumvent them.


I’m not bothered in the slightest that Jurgen has taken this gig. I can see how it could be a great fit for him - travel, use his contacts and stature, sync up a few clubs in the group, and ensure that talent has the optimal opportunity to come through. It doesn’t seem like a day to day slog, which he apparently doesn’t want, but the role probably isn’t that.

Reading the conversation, and especially the contribution of @Cologne-Liverpool I can appreciate that German fans will feel most strongly about this issue, as the way their game is run is a point of pride for the nation (I wish the Prem was like it) and the likes of Red Bull are seen as a problem that would potentially open the floodgates that would lead to the sort of shitshow we see in the Premier League, with how the game is run.

So fair enough for that. The point is well made.


What exactly is Jürgen Klopp doing at Red Bull / Google translate

Jürgen Klopp will be “Head of Global Soccer” at Red Bull. But what responsibilities does this new position entail?

Jürgen Klopp, one of the most famous football coaches in the world, is returning in a new role after an impressive career as coach of Liverpool FC: from January 1, 2025, he will take over the position of Global Head of Soccer at Red Bull. But what exactly does this new role entail?

Strategic role instead of day-to-day business

In his new role, Klopp will manage Red Bull’s international network of football clubs, which includes well-known clubs such as RB Leipzig, Red Bull Salzburg, the New York Red Bulls and others. Instead of actively intervening in the day-to-day business of the individual teams, he will primarily take on a strategic role. His focus is on further developing the Red Bull game philosophy, which is known for dynamic, offensive football.

Klopp will act as a kind of mentor for the coaches and management of the various clubs. His job is to provide valuable input for the sporting direction and to develop the clubs at the highest level. In doing so, he will bring his many years of experience in top-level football, which he gained through successful stints at Mainz 05, Borussia Dortmund and Liverpool.

Promoting talent and coaches

Another focus of his work will be scouting and talent development. Klopp will support Red Bull in the search for up-and-coming players and help to promote these talents in a targeted manner. He will also be involved in the training and development of coaches to ensure that the Red Bull teams benefit from uniform and modern training methods.

Innovation and exchange

Klopp sees his new role as an opportunity to look beyond football and learn from other sports and industries. “Together we can discover what is possible,” he says. This forward-looking approach fits well with Red Bull, which has always relied on innovation and unconventional approaches.


Just wanted to point out that not all football fans in Germany share that view. There are others, somewhat comparable to the type of Liverpool fan that can’t wait for the day their Saudi Prince will come and buy all the shiny new stars so we can win transfer window league. :wink:


Guess we’ll see Jürgen at Leipzig in 12 days :sweat_smile:


Isn’t he basically doing Rangnick’s old job there?

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Are they dedicated to overturn it? It was a done deal years ago for whatever reason by the powers.

The job title alone should have been a red flag.


From Wikipedia
In 2019, Rangnick was promoted to head of sport and development for Red Bull thus overseeing global football initiatives, including the New York Red Bulls and their takeover of Red Bull Bragantino

The brand grew over the years and it’s a much bigger role for Klopp now.

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Would you be happy with us being called Red Bull Liverpool?


Pun intended? :thinking:

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Gets a free holiday in Brazil with it to be fair.

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Agree with this.


Me too, completely. The Mainz fans have always been a special breed, and once again, they find the right words.


It rainz mainz on the plainz :rofl:


I am trying to get it, but majority of us LFC fans in the UK, are saying :smiley:


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