Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Delighted to see our manager relaxing. It has been a hard season, more draining than normal, for various reasons. Plus the grief of losing his beloved mother, and due to covid he just had to get his head down and keep going.

So… a very well deserved break.

Can’t stand the paparazzi but I suppose I’m part of the problem as I looked at the image of him on the boat and was made up to see him enjoying himself.

Top the tan up, enjoy your family, enjoy a few beers, then come back to preseason raring to go.


Always good to see him holidaying and getting a break.


Good to see our Jurgen relaxing on a yacht in the sun after a long hard season,
i’d rather to see this than some injury prone midfielder showing off their heading the ball skills .


Pro tip. Just don’t click on the midfielder’s thread


Happy Title Day to the man who made it happen. Genuinely don’t think anyone else could do what he did in terms of making us competitive on a fraction of the budget. And the fact that he works so well in tandem with Edwards has been a big part of it.

If you can’t out-spend them, out-think and out-work them. YNWA.


Understand the sentiment but ‘happy title day’ is not cool. Anniversaries are for things that happen once or are very rare; the title is something Liverpool have won 19 times and should be winning a few more yet.

Yeah, I think went a bit overboard with this.

Like you said, it would have been appropriate for Leicester or as such.

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Anniversaries are for things that are important. Our first title in 30 years and Klopp’s first at Liverpool are important. It’s three words on the internet, I think we can chill with the gatekeeping a little bit.


With all due respect, gonna have to hard disagree with you and @Iftikhar .

I’m not sure how long you both have been watching the Reds — I can certainly understand fans from the 70s and 80s feeling like celebrating past success is not advisable — but my experience between becoming a fan in 2007 and 2019 only featured one Carling Cup. To be clear, I love the team and the club and would watch them if they were in the Championship, but for all the good intent, it’s unconscionable that we never won any silverware otherwise, particularly during the Torres years, so I will cherish the silverware we do win.

And, let’s be real: as much as some fans might say that we “should be winning it” given that we won it 18 times up to 1990, reality is we have been pretty damn well far from it for most of the last 30 years…even in our pre-Klopp, “close call” years ('02, '09, '14) the house was not built on solid foundations. What I mean is that, despite some mercurial talent, it would be hard to argue that we were better than Arsenal '02, United '09, or City '14 — so it was little surprise that we crumbled the next year. Only in '19 did it actually seem like we were primed to actually take the next step. We may have been a big club during those 30 years, but we were definitely not regularly contending for the title, even if we thought we should be. And, given the changing financial dynamics in the Premier League, it was not inconceivable that we wouldn’t win the title in the near future before Jurgen came along (and perhaps even after, until ~2019).

Finally, it’s easy to forget that — given the unprecedented situation we found ourselves in with COVID — there was significant public sentiment towards cancelling the season. Sure, nothing ever came of it, but there were numerous people in high places calling for it (and not just wingnuts like Karren Brady), which only intensified when the Eredivisie did not award a trophy. It wasn’t until Greg Clarke, Chariman of the FA, came out and categorically ruled that out, but that wasn’t until May 11, so there was a ~2 month period where it didn’t seem like the title would happen.

With that in mind, I have no shame in over-celebrating it. :smiley:


We must also remember that in the past few seasons when we have won stuff… We have had to defeat and ‘put to the sword’… the abomination that has become Man Cheaty…
Like it or not, the odds of winning anything when that ‘money no object’ transfer grabbing juggernaut of a club, by fair means and foul, has done everything to claim the prizes… It really does bring into perspective, what a milestone achievement Jurgen and the boys have reached.


I started to support Liverpool from 1986 and been watching games regularly since 1996. So my trophy chest isn’t that full. :blush:. I get what you mean.

My feeling is, this was sort of a marketing drive, getting the fans warmed-up for the coming season. We couldn’t celebrate the #19 and played in front of empty stands for more than a season, so I guess this was meant to stir us up a bit.


Yeah before Klopp came, 2001 and 2005 were the highlights of my Liverpool fandom (eurgh that word).


Formby bar 3 weeks ago :laughing:

Jürgen was voted the best manager in the world by readers of Kicker magazine.


No Allardyce?


Appears to not be wearing glasses. Laser?

Relax. He is safely tucked away in Serbia.

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I prefer Klopp with glasses.

Maybe the look will grow on me

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Maybe he has given his glasses to Coote or Jon Moss…!


It’s difficult to look for glasses without glasses