Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Didn’t think he came across well in the press conference to be honest

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I thought he came across fine myself,batting away the same silly repetative questions asked by local journalists every transfer window/start of the season,who should know more about the club and how klopp works more than most,yet still bang on about other clubs (cheating fuckers like City) massively spending compared to us.

They know the clubs financial situation.
They know how Klopp likes a small squad.
They know Klopp doesn’t give a fuck how other clubs spend.
They know Klopp builds a tight knit team of under the radar type players.
They know Klopp and Edwards need to find the right players,at the right price and at the right time,to build a team to compete with our competition.

Knowing all these things and how it’s worked for us since Klopps been here,along with all the other pundits thinking we won’t win anything unless we buy big.He’s still having to convince them that it’s not always the biggest spenders who win,ask Real,Barca and United how it’s worked for them lately.

As for the “real fans” remark,i think he’s talking about the people who understand what he’s trying to do under the circumstances,who back the team,the club and have faith in the work him and the backroom team have done and are still doing,keeping us competative and title challengers regardless of money spent,not the type of fans who believe it’s game over before we’ve kicked a ball because we never spent £100mill+ on players or spent like others have,so call for FSG out and Klopp to go.


It wasn’t his best. He didn’t seem in a great mood. I thought Pearce’s question was a perfectly reasonable one and his response to it ‘who should we buy?’ was a bit silly. He’s better than that but we all have an off day and his pressers are usually so good I can forgive him for losing patience on this occasion. Maybe he was pissed off that no one actually asked him a question about our opponents.


That yes, he sees that as derespecting the opponent and there I am 100% with him. It’s not ‘just Norwich’ it’s the team we are playing and need to get a result from. That’s surely what these imposed pressers are about, no? :cry:


I didn’t think he was pissed off.

It was a valid point. With Gini leaving it frees up for minutes for Curtis and I would imagine Harvey, who j think will possibly get more of a look in that Curtis this year.

We have


That’s 8 players for 3 positions… we’re good


The Journos are always there to try and get a reaction. They got a bit of one there, but fuck it. Klopp is human, and what he said is fair, as @CymruRed set out.

Being nice also only gets you so far. The same approach can get lesser results, so there’s going to be some evolution.

Fuck em Jurgen. Its about us not them.


And of the 8 Thiago, Hendo and Fab are gonna be pretty main stay


Klopp is supposed to conform to the genial smiling, all hugging big guy and answer all stupid questions with a degree of good humour.

Pep, Fergie, Mourinho et all had their moments of dismay, exasperation, steely glares, and that was and is allowed because it is expected of them…
Same as the clown Richards and bad boy Keane on SKY, they behave as type because the pundits expect it.

So when Klopp refuses to get drawn into a discussion on FSG funding transfers, because thats where this was inevitably going, it is seen as bristling and angry.
Rafa was supposed to be the thinker, tactician and then he bucked the trend with his opinion (rant) on Utd/Fergie and was never let forget it.

Maybe the term “real” fans wasnt a slight on anyone except the journalists asking the stupid questions?
Maybe a simple “Fuck off and dont come back until you have an intelligent question to answer” would be better?


What have the journalists contributed in past one decade? Anything significant? How often, if ever, do they ask questions about serious issues?

Is anyone questioning Barcelona’s wage & transfer policy that has brought them to their knees? Have they ever asked how racism is affecting the players on & off the field? Do anyone ever question Chelsea’s policy of hoarding young players? …

My point is, most of the journalists don’t address real issues, most of the time. So, if Klopp feels annoyed at some point, it’s natural.


I don’t get why they don’t just ask him actual football questions, he’s very forthcoming and engaging when people do that. Pressure from editors I guess, who want their clicks.


Something I nocited as well, in general with some managers. They actually prefer football questions, even if it means opening up a little bit. Really poor from journalists. But yeah I guess it’s their instructions…


Especially to someone who prefers coaching than buying.

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Pearce who sold him soul to the clickbait shite The Athletic?? He wanted a bite, he wants this fans v’s FSG (on the basis of FSG not supporting Klopp) agenda, as that drives up huge amounts of web traffic… It’s pathetic.


My take on it, which is probably wrong, is that because Klopp is as a person a bit more intelligent, philosophical, insightful and passionate than your ‘average’ manager, he probably finds the whole press thing very frustrating.

It’s an odd situation with most journalists that they don’t want to actually hear an informed opinion, they just want either a comfortable answer which fits the same cliches they’ve been writing about their whole careers, or they want controversy for controversies sake.


Yes, Klopp in particular seems to be of the sort who don’t think there’s many ‘secrets’ in football, which I agree with. With the level of opposition analysis we have now, he’ll never say anything in a press conference the other teams in the league don’t already know.

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The fans want…

Such an infuriating and dumb agenda. First of all, like the media gives a rat’s arse about fans. But more importantly, if fan’s demand is so overriding why recruit a manager and all those staffs?

I think the bigger issue is once loose lips Rodgers went Pearce slipped so out the loop it wound him up.


Jürgen’s next presser should consist of “sick as a parrot” “over the moon” “the boy done good” “yer Arsenals, yer Chelseas” type of comments. Like the good old days of management interviews. :nerd_face:


Not sure if it’s losing the glasses but Klopp looks like he’s aged about 20 years since he joined us in 2015


Wasn’t that 20 years ago?
In any case anyone having to put up with questions from James Pierce would be the same imo.