Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend


He is only talking about wives whose husbands are in jail for a year

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Fucking hell…

Poor kid…


I know that Klopp described himself as the normal one, but he really is special. How many people in his position with so many responsibilities and so little time would take the time to answer this and all the other letters?

He genuinely cares about people and that is such a rare trait these days. He is truly unique.


Agree with you RA; although I expect Klopp doesn’t write each letter but is aware of the situation when he signs it. Still a good think for he and the club to do; although it would be better IMO if the letters weren’t shared publicly and reported upon.


Well said gaffer! :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

Thie video below is not exclusively about Jurgen, but this is a lovely video wishing the great Pelé a happy 80 birthday and Jürgen is in it. So many current football people sending their best wishes to Pelé.

Also, Jürgen must have alot of iconic memorabilia in his home collection over the years, amazing. He managed to get Pelé’s shirt too. So lucky.


This period we are entering without VVD - in defence of the title - is probably Klopps greatest test since he came to the club


Nah- that would be beating Shaqs to the buffet.


He took over from Rodgers with the entire Club from the support to the upper management at war with each other. The whole thing has been a test from start to where we are now.



Jesus Christ, mate…crack a fucking smile for once in your life…


Big test for him without a doubt, but the biggest tests are already behind him imo. We were a bit in shambles when he took over, still reeling from the g+h era, with the fans more disinterested than ever (remember the fans leaving early, ten minutes before the end of the games?), with a toxic manager and a dysfunctional decision structure, with owners who wanted to do well, but were a bit lost at sea at the time.

He reunited all of this by giving us a vision, made us believers again, firmly restored the sacred trinity, and then got us nr. 6, followed by nr. 19, the biggest test of all. Meanwhile, he channeled the owners’ desire to improve the club by helping them to re-unite Melwood and Kirkby, one of his dearest wishes since the first day he arrived.

In comparison with the above, VVD missing for a longer while is a mere footnote. It might make our season more challenging in terms of winning trophies, but it won’t destroy what he has constructed over the last five years.


Hope, you’ve absolutely nailed it there.

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Was coming at it in terms of him now having something greater to lose and the weight of expectation having won big recently.

Yeah true, but if one set of supporters is ready to give him time, it’s us, especially after what he has achieved already. And I think it’s the same for fsg. Even if results go down the drain for a while, they won’t sack him at short notice after what he has done for them. The general circumstances are also too special for that, and they never lose view of the big picture, which is their main quality as owners.

Probably, the main pressure for Klopp comes in relation to his own expectations, which must be sky-high, and rightly so.

I agree with your assessment but differ on that particular point. The H&G poison was out of our system by then. However, a new and somewhat similar cancer was threatening to grow. FSG used the Klopp-therapy to cure that.

The absence of VVD will certainly resonate throughout the season. However, Klopp has shown a tremendous and rather uncanny ability to improve the players in his fold. His biggest and perhaps only challenge is to maintain standards he has set for himself. Keep the players motivated to raise their game even after two Steller seasons.

Well it took time to take the poison out of our system. When fsg got rid of Kenny, they thought that they could attract a bigger name to the club, but ended up with Rodgers. That was a direct effect of g+h’s era. Rodgers then went through ups and lows, but when he left, the club was (in my humble opinion) in a worse shape than when he came in. Klopp had to reconstruct everything from top to bottom. Fortunately, fsg were right behind him for that task and supported him all the way.



But can he do it on rainy Wednesday night in stoke?

Let them get promoted first :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d rather Stoke stay where the fuck they are or maybe a few more divisions down if anything,cunts.